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boston terrier dog breed
The gentle and friendly Havanese with their soft coats and bright eyes are a favorite of apartment-dwellers. But this lively and intelligent “Dog of Cuba,” who is gaining popularity, was once nearly extinct.
Brief History
The Havanese is from a bloodline called the Barbet, now known as the Bichon family, descended from the Mediterranean area as far back as 600 B.C. Relative breeds include the poodle, the water spaniel, and the Portuguese Water Dog.
There is some dispute between dog historians about the origin of the Havanese. Some theorize that they descended from the Italian Bolognese and the South American Poodle. Others think their origin lies within the Maltese and that they were transported to the West Indies.
Cubans agree that the Havanese were brought by sailors as gifts intended to charm señoras in the early 1800s. The puppies were goodwill ambassadors, encouraging trade between the sea captains and wealthy Cuban families. The Havanese became a fixture in the homes of well-to-do citizens.
The Cuban Revolution of 1959 endangered this dog, as the population was forced to flee the country. They left pets behind in the care of friends and servants. A couple of families managed to smuggle their dogs out of the country. These were the first Havanese to arrive in the United States.
In 1974, the Goodales of Colorado began searching for a dog to enhance their breeding career. They wanted an intelligent companion dog, and in their search, they discovered an article about the Havanese in a Spanish magazine. They tracked down the Cuban families who had spirited the dogs out of the country and acquired six dogs from them. They expanded their search and located six more Havanese from a Cuban devotee in Costa Rica. Through their efforts with four bloodlines, they kept the breed from becoming extinct.
Five years later, the Goodales helped to found the Havanese Club of America. The United Kennel Club recognized the Havanese in 1991, and five years later, the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club.
Physical Features
According to the AKC breed website, the Havanese has, “a curled-over tail and a gorgeous silky coat, which comes in a variety of colors.” The Havanese has a sturdy body that is longer than it is tall.
Average Height:
8.5-11.5 inches
Average Weight:
7-13 pounds
Life Expectancy:
14-16 years
The Havanese is a fun animal and has a reputation for being a canine clown. They are intelligent and sturdy enough to compete in dog sports such as obedience and agility.
Special Needs
The Havanese is active and needs a sufficient amount of exercise daily. Their coats need regular brushing, although some owners like to let the hair grow in plaits.
Possible Health Concerns
Havanese can be prone to the following:
Hip dysplasia
Elbow dysplasia
Legg-Perthes disease
Mitral valve insufficiency
Patellar luxation
Heart murmur
Portosystemic shunt
the havanese
The Havanese is a toy dog, but these animals require more exercise than some of the couch potato breeds. This lively, fun companion will keep you busy throwing a ball or even playing chase with a wad of paper. They enjoy climbing, and you may often find them on the back of your couch.
Because Havanese are keen-witted, they can quickly con their owners into feeding them only tasty table food. It takes a savvy owner to keep a Havanese on a strict diet of balanced kibble with some added meat or fish or steamed veggies.
The Havanese is a high-spirited and sweet companion. Knowing one will make you grateful that the breed is still around.
All cat owners know cats are independent creatures and do not require a lot of your time. Cats love to sleep and hide in safe places; however, they also want and need attention. They need scratching posts, climbing towers, feeding, grooming and other loving care. Because of their independent nature and desire to be separated from human activity part of the time, many cat owners believe they do not have to interact with their cats on a daily basis. In reality, cats need daily attention from their human family to be at their best.
Considered as extensions of the family, passionate dog owners will go to great lengths to pamper their pooches. As such, dog treats have become big business in the industry. But more than just a Scooby snack, they serve the purpose of helping to train dogs and encourage acceptable behavior.
The Dalmatian, also known as the English Coach Dog, Carriage Dog, and the Firehouse Dog originated from the U.K. This breed is part of the UKC, Companion Dog Group, and the AKC. The origin of the name comes from the Eastern European coastal area of Dalmatian. This dog breed was thought to have been imported to the U.K during the 18th century.
Brief History
The Dalmatian was bred as a coach dog in the U.K. as a guard for passengers and property. The Dalmatian’s love of horses made it perfect for following horse-drawn fire engines. British nobleman also enjoyed having this breed around their stables.
Despite noble origins, today Dalmations are looked upon as a fire station mascot and help bring fire-awareness in education programs for children. The Dalmatian has been in the U.S from colonial times, known as the coach dog breed. By 1888, the Dalmatian was a registered dog breed in the AKC stud book. The Dalmatian is still very popular as a companion dog breed today.
Physical Features
The ever-friendly Dalmatian is a muscular and large dog breed with a slightly square shape. The Dalmatian’s pear-shaped head is almost flat with a slight groove down the center. Their noses are typically black, large and broad. Their medium-sized eyes are brown, blue or a combination of both colors. This breed has medium-sized drop ears with a deep chest and well-arched, compact feet. The Dalmatian has a long tapered tail that they carry with an elegant upward curve. Their coats are short, shiny, and tight. Oh, and don’t forget their famous coloring — white base with gorgeous black spots.
The Dalmatian has lots of endurance and moderate speed. It is an elegant, sporty and active dog that adores people as well as other dogs and animals. Their movements tend to be steady and graceful. With an even temperament, this outgoing dog breed is intelligent, outgoing and dignified.
Average Height:
19-24 inches
Average Weight:
45-65 pounds
Life Expectancy:
11-13 years
The Dalmatian is an active and lively dog breed. They tend to be outgoing, friendly, and rarely shy. In fact, they’re known to constantly encourage new friendships wherever they can find them — whether with other animals or people. This dog breed is great with horses and does well on equestrian farms. The Dalmatian is also sensitive and does well with positive dog training. Socialization starting at puppyhood is also beneficial. This dog breed is very affectionate with family and good with children. The Dalmatian has a strong work drive and needs to partake in organized canine activities.
Special Needs
The Dalmatian requires plenty of exercise, socialization, and positive dog training. The importance of early positive housetraining cannot be emphasized enough. Dalmatian pups need to be taught to go outside or they will develop bad habits that will often be difficult to break. It’s also important to prioritize positive obedience training for puppies. This can start as early as 9 weeks of age and should be done in super short increments of time, like 5 minute sessions a few times a day.
Allow for healthy food treats as rewards when positive dog training. Organize dog training classes outside your home to allow for this dog to socialize and meet other dogs and people. The Dalmatian needs a fenced garden or backyard and does not do well with apartment living. This breed does best on farms or large properties with horses, other dogs and lots of companionship.
Possible Health Concerns
Deafness: Dalmatians may be born with normal hearing, yet may lose hearing a few weeks after birth. Deafness is hereditary in Dalmatians, and comes from an auto-recessive gene. This gene also affects eye color, and contributes the blue iris in Dalmatians. As many as 30% of Dalmatians suffer from deafness in one or both ears. Some dog parents may confuse deafness to obedience problems.
Kidney Stones: This is common in the Dalmatian, and can be dangerous if not treated immediately. Feeding a low protein diet with fish or chicken works well in helping to preventing kidney stones. Beef and organ meats should be eliminated from the Dalmatian’s diet. Clean and fresh water needs to be available 24/7.
Hip Dysplasia: Hip Dysplasia is an abnormal development of the hip joint in large dog breeds like the Dalmatian. It is generally characterized by a loose joint, and then degenerative joint disease.
Epilepsy: This has been occurring more frequently in Dalmatians, and can be hereditary or the result of an injury or exposure to toxins.
Dalmatian dog
The Dalmatian needs a consistent exercise schedule if living in an apartment or small home. Dalmatians living on farms and equestrian properties tend to get lots of exercise and travel. This dog breed has superb memory, and is a quick learner. Positive dog training sessions are a pleasure with this dog breed. Dalmatians enjoy going out for runs or long hikes. They’re always game to take part in family activities.
Agility is a great sport for Dalmatians. They can start training at a young age for agility, and tend to do well in this canine sport. Advanced obedience is also a great option.
When it comes to choosing a food, understanding your dog’s current health and nutritional needs is paramount. There is no “best diet” since all dogs have different dietary needs, so it’s always smart to consult with your veterinarian — especially if your dog has a medical condition.
Dalmatian dog breed
This breed is quite easy to groom. Daily brushing will keep your Dalmatian’s coat in superb condition. A horsehair mitt or rubber curry comb should do the trick.
This dog breed enjoys frequent baths and daily teeth brushing. Bathing should increase if dogs are playing around on farms and in horse manure. Twice yearly visits to the veterinarian for dental hygiene maintenance is a must. Ears need to be regularly wiped out and checked regularly because they flop down and retain moisture. Nails need to be trimmed every month. If your dog does not enjoy having their nails trimmed, try out a nail grinder, visit a professional groomer or your veterinarian.
Not only is the Dalmatian a gentle and playful dog to have around children and family, this dog breed has a happy and outgoing personality that makes everyone else happy. This dog breed does not do well alone and needs to be around people and other animals. Taking part in family activities like hiking, camping, and playing ball at the dog park are a must.
If it’s summer time, all Dalmatians need to use a canine sunblock because their white coats make them more prone to sunburn. Exercise should only take place during the early morning hours or late afternoon.
The Savannah cat is an exotic cat. They are covered in spots and enjoy socializing with people as well as pets. They are also extremely curious and will want to follow you from room to room. Quite supportive in nature, the Savannah cat loves to provide companionship, which makes them ideal for therapy cats. Not only do Savannahs play well with children, they are always happy to make new friends.
Brief History
The first Savannah cat was born in the 1980s as the result of crossbreeding between an African Serval and a domestic cat. The successful crossbreed was performed by Patrick Kelly and Joyce Sroufe. The African Serval was further outcrossed with cat breeds such as Bengals, Oriental Shorthairs and Egyptian Maus. This led to a widespread establishment and acceptance of the breed. Savannah cats began getting registered by the International Cat Association (ICA) in 2001. The breed attained Championship status or full recognition in 2012.
Physical Features
The most noticeable characteristic of the Savannah cat is their beautiful, spotted coat. Their fur has a light brown shade and is covered in black spots. As a result, they have a distinctive cheetah-like appearance. Their ears are deep, large and face forward in a sonar-like way. Their eyes are big and golden. The Savannah cat has a pink nose and long white whiskers. An outstanding feature of the Savannah cat is their long legs. Thanks to this characteristic, this breed has held the Guinness Book of World Record for tallest domestic cat since 2006. They have long tails and an intelligent expression.
Average Height:
8-15 inches
Average Weight:
12-25 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-20 years
The Savannah is devoted to their owner or family. As a result, many people regard the Savannah cat as being a feline version of a dog. They enjoys social interaction. If left alone for long periods of time, Savannahs will pout and begin to experience separation anxiety. Their attitude is kitten-like throughout their lives. Savannahs also enjoys being involved in family or group activities. This makes the Savannah an ideal family cat.
savannah cat
Special Needs
The Savannah has quite a lot of energy and needs a structured way of exercising. The Savannah is also an intelligent breed that can understand and obey simple commands. Also, they can learn how to use a scratching pole and which sections of the house to avoid. Housetraining the Savannah can be performed in a short period of time. This is possible as long as you use positive reinforcement throughout the process.
The Savannah still has hunting and territorial instincts. So they will be protective or even aggressive around other pets. This means that they should be introduced to other animals gradually until they can be friends.
Possible Health Concerns
The Savannah is a healthy and strong cat that can suffer from some genetic diseases and adverse conditions. The Savannah can be infertile due to genetic predisposition. They may also have low levels of fertility resulting in 1 to 3 kittens per litter. The Savannah may also be very selective in picking out mates. This is because they prefer to procreate with cats that they’ve grown up with from kittenhood.
The Savannah cat has a high level of energy. They will prance around your house and enjoys chasing birds for leisure. To control these energy levels, some exercise is required. This can be achieved by engaging the cat in sessions that involve walks, jogs or brisk runs. This can be done 2 times a day for 30 minutes each. Intense play sessions can also be great exercise for this cat. They require both physical and mental stimulation. This is because the Savannah is an intelligent cat. Puzzle games and toys are most welcome for this cat.
The Savannah cat requires a balanced diet. Their large size prompts generous portions per serving, but they are not picky eaters. The Savannah will gladly chow down on wet food or dry kibble. Their nutritional needs require that they consume more carbohydrates than any other food group. This is so that they can sustain their high energy levels. Savannah cats grow quickly. This warrants ample protein as well. They can be fed twice a day in the morning and the evening. Cool, clean water needs to be provided throughout the day.
Savannah cats’ fur is short and thick. To keep it healthy and smooth, they need regular brushing at least once a day.
Their teeth and ears also need cleaning three times every week. They may produce some discharge on the inner tips of their eyes which needs to be cleaned off as soon as it emerges. Their ears are large and open which makes them collect dirt and debris quite easily. They can be cleaned at least two times every week using a special solution made of 50% cider vinegar and 50% water.
The Savannah is an interesting, beautiful cat. They are dedicated and their loyalty makes them an excellent therapy cat.
savannah cat breed
miniature schnauzer dog
The miniature schnauzer is a true terrier in every sense of the word: Plucky, big-hearted, and active. Woe to the person who appears to pose a threat to this pup’s loved ones: This courageous, bright-eyed little dog is loyal to the end.
Brief History
The Schnauzer is a very old German breed, having been depicted in paintings as far back as 1492. The German word for muzzle is, “schnauzer,” with all schnauzer varieties being bred to have bristly hair on the nose and mouth. The standard version of the breed originated in Germany, pulling vegetable carts from the farmers’ fields to markets in town. The dog was also put on guard duty.
The brilliance of the schnauzer lies in its versatility. They were used as an all-around stock dog — herding sheep, cattle, and pigs. They kept vermin at bay and were the quintessential farmer’s best friend. Even today, German Schnauzer Clubs will promote “ratting” trials, keeping the schnauzer as a pragmatic working breed. In America, schnauzers are a common choice for barn hunt and earthdog trials.
The miniature schnauzer descended from a cross between its standard-sized relative and an Affenpinscher. While even breed fanciers are not sure whether the cross was intentional, they treasure the results. The mini has enjoyed breed recognition since first being entered in shows around 1899. The first miniatures were bred in the United States in 1925 and officially gained AKC breed recognition the following year.
Physical Features
According to the AKC breed standard, the miniature schnauzer is “a robust, active dog of terrier type, resembling its larger cousin, the standard schnauzer, in general appearance, and of an alert, active disposition.”
The AKC allows only three coat colors: Salt and pepper, solid black, or black and silver.
Average Height:
12-14 inches
Average Weight:
11-20 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The miniature schnauzer is high-spirited, friendly, and eager to please. They are courageous like most terriers, but generally obedient.
Special Needs
Although they thrive apartment-sized environments, miniature schnauzers require a regular exercise schedule. Their genetics as a hunter make them want to dig holes and bark.
Possible Health Concerns
If adopting a miniature schnauzer from a breeder, look for a background with clearances from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism, and von Willebrand’s disease. Breeding schnauzers should also be tested for thrombopathia and have an eye certification.
Schnauzers are active, athletic dogs. They can excel at dog sports such as agility and obedience. They tend to love activities like rally and barn hunt. If you are considering life with a schnauzer, prepare to keep moving!
Like many other small dogs, overfeeding can be a problem. A schnauzer’s diet should be monitored closely, including quality kibble, meat, and blanched vegetables. Monitor their weights to make sure they are maintaining the correct numbers for their size, and be sure they gets plenty of exercise.
If you are considering adding a miniature schnauzer to the family, be ready for new adventures. These playful, happy dogs are game for just about anything you want to do. They are not couch potatoes by any means! Be prepared for a good, long lifetime filled with fun.
Poisonous Plants to Cats and Other Animals
Plants certainly make one of the prettiest home decorations. But did you know not all of them are safe for your pets? That’s true! The plants and flowers that you are using in your patios or to decorate our home interiors might actually be harmful to your little furry friends. If ingested, they may cause a lot of adverse reactions such as stomach upset, respiratory disorders or even death. As a caring pet owner, therefore, it’s your responsibility to know what plants are safe for your pets and what not, so you can protect them from any toxicity or mishap.
The Shiba Inu, also known as the Shiba Ken, originated from Japan. It is one of Japan’s most popular and oldest dog breeds. They were bred to hunt wild boar and small game using their keen sight and smell abilities in the rugged mountains of Japan.
Brief History
The Shiba Inu has had cultural significance in that this breed is considered a natural monument and very nearly became extinct during World War II. The first of this breed to enter the U.S was in 1954 with a military family. “Shiba” means brushwood and “ Inu” means dog. They are popular today in the U.S as companion dogs.
Physical Features
The Shiba Inu is a foxy, medium-sized dog with a compact, well-muscled body. They typically have broad heads with dark, slanting eyes and a black nose. Shibas also have small erect ears. This breed has a double coat with a thick outer coat that can range from red, to sesame (black-tipped hairs on a red background) to black with tan points. The undercoat is usually cream, buff or gray. Their fur is short throughout their entire bodies, including face, neck and legs. Their tails are thick and powerful, and are carried over the body in a curled position. Hind legs are strong with a wide stance, forelegs and feet are moderately spaced.
Average Height:
14.5 – 16.5 inches
Average Weight:
17-23 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The Shiba Inu is an independent and proud dog. This breed is alert, intelligent and curious. The Shiba loves to explore and has been known to wander. Although reserved with strangers, this breed is warm and affectionate to family members and close friends. It may be aggressive toward other dogs, and needs to be socialized early on in life.
The Shiba Inu does well with positive dog training classes early on during puppyhood.
This breed may be stubborn and shy, and needs to be around people and other dogs regularly. Shibas tend to be protective around family members and benefit from an experienced and attentive dog parent.
This breed enjoys playing around at the dog park, going for long walks and being part of family outings. They love to wander around and need a closed and secure backyard so as not to escape. Though they love the outdoors, Shibas need to live indoors and do not do well being alone all day.
Special Needs
The Shiba Inu needs to be supervised carefully when out and about in the backyard or garden. This breed wanders and escapes easily. This breed has special grooming needs, and is prone to separation anxiety.
Possible Health Concerns
This is generally a healthy dog breed, but is prone to a few health concerns:
Hip Dysplasia. This is a hereditary condition that affects the Shiba. HD is an abnormal development of the hip joint in medium and large dog breeds. It is generally characterized by a loose joint, and then degenerative joint disease. Excessive growth, types of exercise, nutritional factors, and hereditary factors all come in to play with hip dysplasia. Consult with your veterinarian for expert advice.
Elbow Dysplasia is an abnormal development of the elbow joint in young, large, rapidly-growing dogs. It involves abnormal bone growth, cartilage development, or joint stresses. Elbow dysplasia is considered to be one of the most common causes of osteoarthritis of the canine elbow.
Skin Allergies can result in severe itching and scabbing. Your veterinarian will also prescribe medications. Shibas usually don’t start having allergies until they reach 6 months of age. It’s important to visit your veterinarian at the first onset of scratching or itching since these skin irritations can lead to severe skin infections.
Since the Shiba needs moderate exercise, it’s important to keep them fit and active, so as to prevent bursts of energy or destructive behavior during the adolescent period.
The Shiba Inu needs positive training classes and fun activities like Frisbee or fetch. Canine sporting events like Canicross and sledding are also favorites to this breed. Keep your Shiba indoors during the hot summer months, and exercise during the early morning or late afternoon hours when it’s cooler. Hiking, biking or skijoring are also fun sports this dog loves.
Because this breed can be overly energetic, Shiba pet parents shouldn’t resort to long periods of crating.
A calm, long walk will usually suffice when this breed is feeling energetic. Adolescent Shibas need regular off-leash runs at the dog park or beach.
Some Shibas may be picky eaters. It’s always best to consult with your veterinarian on diet. Ask your vet about supplements and determine whether your Shiba has any vitamin deficiencies.
There are numerous organic dry and wet commercial dog foods that contain a wide variety of healthy ingredients. These may cost slightly more, but are definitely worth it. BARF diets have been popular in the past. This includes bones and raw food, raw meat, and ground raw vegetables. That said, never feed your Shiba cooked bones because they will splinter and may cause choking or fatal internal injuries.
If your Shiba’s diet is well-balanced, they should have a shiny coat, high energy, healthy gums and teeth and be free of digestive problems.
This breed sheds a lot. Although it’s been said that Shibas shed twice a year, some pet parents have said that it lasts for 6 months at a time. If your Sheba has a long coat, you will need to be vigilant about matting and knots. Brushing and combing during shedding season helps prevent shedding throughout the home — and will remove dirt and loose hair.
Shiba’s need regular nail trimming and ear cleaning. Brushing this dog’s teeth every day, and visiting your veterinarian twice yearly for dental cleanings is a priority in maintaining good canine health.