Explore our articles and resources for pet parents
How to Keep Different Types of Pet Spiders
Although not for everyone, many children and adults enjoy raising spiders, also known as arachnids, as pets. Pet tarantulas and wolf spider pets are interesting to observe and are the two most popular types of spiders kept as pets.
Signs of Ticks on Your Dog or Cat
Ticks can become a real nuisance in the summer and your furry pet may be susceptible to becoming a host for one and being infected with tick-borne diseases or even get a secondary infection from the bite site.
Bugs As Pets
For some, a bug in your house is no bad thing! In fact, in parts of the world like Japan, it’s just as common to keep an insect as a pet, as it is a cat or dog. What’s more, many in fact make great pets, that are educating for children, easy-to-keep and rewarding in many ways.
It’s an exciting time welcoming a new puppy into your household. They provide so much fun and love, and are like a new child in your family. This time can also be daunting to the new puppy owner, especially if they have never owned a dog before. In this article, we will give you a whirlwind tour through everything you need to know to take care of a new puppy.
Which Cats are Hypoallergenic?
Most people think their allergic reactions to cats come from the animals’ fur. In reality, the source of the allergy originates in the saliva of the cat. When cats grooms themselves, allergens are transmitted throughout their coats and shed around the house.
Summer has arrived, although I am aware that some of you in many parts of the United States went directly from winter to summer without the slow transition of spring. Nevertheless, hot weather is upon us and we should all be aware that there are some definite dos and don’ts that should be observed in the summer all across the country regarding our pets.
5 Reasons Your Pet Needs Insurance
You insure your home, your house, yourself and your family. But did you know that there’s another family member you need to look out for? Just like you find yourself suddenly sick and in need of a doctor, your pets will too. Don’t let the health of your furry friend to come down to what you can afford.
Classifying Critters
Animals: they come in different shapes and sizes, with varying colors and a breadth of breeds. At last count, a whopping 8.7 million species of animal were noted in the world, with new animals being identified, and others going out of existence all the time.