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What are Savannah Cats?
There’s something unmistakably striking about the Savannah cat. Descended from African wild cats and crossed with domestic cats, these exotic hybrids are graceful, captivating and leave you wanting to know more.
welsh terrier
The Welsh Terrier, also known as the Old English Terrier, comes from Wales. It is part of the AKC/UKC, Terrier Group. This breed came into existence during the 1700’s and was used in fox hunts and to catch badgers.
Brief History
The Welsh Terrier has fierce jaws and good digging skills. They were most commonly used to dig up badger lairs, but also as companion dogs. The Welsh Terrier first arrived in the U.S during the 19th century. Two older dog breeds — the Old English Black and the Tan Terrier, are believed to be related to the Welsh Terrier.
Physical Features
The Welsh Terrier is a compact and sturdy dog breed. They’re typically medium in size with a slightly rugged look. They also have a rectangular head with a square muzzle and a coarse, wiry coat. Don’t let the size fool you: though compact, their muzzles are quite strong. Welsh Terriers have a black square nose and a docked tail. They have V-shaped ears which are always folded forward. Typically, their legs, underbody and head are tan in color, with a jacket in black or grizzle.
Average Height:
18-21 inches
Average Weight:
20-28 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-14 years
The Welsh Terrier is friendly and outgoing. They tend to be on the feisty side with unique quirks. That being said, the Welsh Terrier is notably easy to train and game for new activities. This dog breed is known for showing intelligence and self-restraint. The Welsh Terrier is a friendly and amiable dog breed that enjoys people — especially children — and other animals. Although the Welsh Terrier has a pronounced prey instinct, when positively trained and socialized, is one of the easiest dogs to live with. They are capable of deep companionship and are immensely loyal.
The Welsh Terrier does best with lots of exercise and a fenced and secure garden or backyard. This is a very sensitive dog breed that needs tons of positive reinforcement and does well with lots of attention and affection. Care must be given to ensure that all fencing in backyards and gardens is secure, as they do have a tendency to dig. The Welsh Terrier does well with lots of off-leash running. They enjoy playing Frisbee and ball.
Special Needs
The Welsh Terrier needs an active home. This breed does well with plenty of regular exercise, positive dog training and socialization. The Welsh Terrier breed needs to be socialized from puppyhood and should never be isolated.This breed bonds closely with all family members, including children.
The Welsh Terrier needs to interact with people so as not to become bored and mischievous. Positive training needs to tailor to the specific temperament of this breed. Because of their high-energy, Welsh Terriers typically do best with an experienced dog parent that can be firm, yet kind. Interactive dog toys are a plus for the Welsh Terrier. If excessive barking is a problem, food dispensing dog toys help with boredom.
All family members need to be on the same page with positive dog training methods. Although it may be difficult to not spoil this pup, it’s for the best. The Welsh Terrier should live indoors, but may have housetraining issues if not trained positively beginning at puppyhood.
Possible Health Concerns
Legg-Perthes Disease. This is the deterioration of the top of the femur. It is characterized by a lack of blood supply and destruction of the blood vessels of the bone. It is a hereditary condition in some terrier breeds.
Dental Problems. The Welsh Terrier needs proper dental care, including preventative methods like daily tooth brushing, which will help prevent gum disease, periodontitis and endodontic disease.
Skin Allergies: This dog may be prone to Atopic Dermatitis. This is caused by an abnormal immune system response. There are many allergies which can affect the skin, and are caused by fleas, dog food and other allergens like pollen in the air. Consult with your veterinarian if your dog suffers from intense itching.
Hip Dysplasia is the abnormal development of the hip joint. It is generally characterized by a loose joint, and then degenerative joint disease.
Epilepsy is an inherited disease that causes seizures.
Primary Lens Luxation (PLL) This is an inherited disease that affects the eye. It is associated with the disintegration of the zonule fibers that hold the lens in place.
welsh terrier dog
The Welsh Terrier is an energetic dog breed that does well with plenty of regular exercise and canine sporting activities like agility, obedience, and dock diving. Herding and Frisbee are also stress-free ways that your dog can have fun. That said, some of the best activities you can have with your dog are unorganized like going out for a jog or a long walk. Plan hikes and vigorous exercise for cool mornings.
Clipping should be done every 8-12 weeks. The Welsh Terrier’s coat should be kept longer or unclipped in colder weather. Opting for a professional dog groomer helps with maintaining coat health.
Routine daily grooming will keep the Welsh Terrier’s coat in good condition. This is one of the easiest breeds to groom. A short bristled brush or mitt should be used to maintain a shiny and healthy coat. Twice yearly visits to the veterinarian for dental hygiene maintenance is a must. Ears need to be regularly wiped out, and nails trimmed regularly.
This breed is famously feisty, happy and energetic. They also make for good travel companions because they are so adaptable. They also love adventure. As with all terriers, it’s best to supervise when out and about to make sure that they don’t stray and that all fences are secure. Terriers are well known for digging underneath fences and escaping.
welsh terrier dog breed
The Japanese Chin dog breed
The Japanese Chin, also known as the Japanese Spaniel, is aptly named after its country of possible origin. It is part of the UKC, companion Group, and the AKC, Toy Group. Despite its name, some believe the Japanese Chin actually came from China as a gift from a Chinese emperor. Historically, the breed was very popular with the Japanese nobility.
Brief History
The Japanese Chin’s origin is of question. Some believe this breed came from Korea, while others say that it originated from China. There were Buddhist monks, Chinese emperors, as well as European merchants that were credited for bringing the Japanese Chin to Japan, approximately 500 to 1000 years ago. The Japanese nobles then improved on this small breed. In 1854 the Chin was introduced to the west when Japan opened for trade after 200 years of isolation.
Physical Features
The Japanese Chin is a small, square-shaped and well-balanced dog breed with a large, round head. Japanese Chins have large, warm brown eyes that are often emotive. It has a short, broad, muzzle with a black nose, open nostrils and small v-shaped drop ears. This breed looks aristocratic and has a very unique expression. Its famous tail is plumed and carried over the back. They tend to have very curious and alert facial expressions. Their coats are thick, single, and silky with a heavily coated rump area. The coat color typically ranges from black and white, to black and white with tan characteristics, or red and white. Occasionally they can have tan or red spots over the eye area, inside ears, and on their cheeks.
Average Height:
8-11 inches
Average Weight:
4-11 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-12 years
The Japanese Chin has a good memory. This very intelligent dog breed is sensitive and mild-mannered. They typically get along with everyone — dogs, animals and children. They can be initially shy with strangers, but affectionate with immediate family and once they get to know a new person. Above all, the Japanese Chin enjoys being pampered. This breed does not do well if isolated from family during the holidays. The Chin is easy to train, though has bursts of stubbornness at times. The Chin needs to start socialization during the first four weeks of life and positive dog training early on to overcome stubborn habits. Male Chins may have some housebreaking issues, but these are resolved easily with consistency and regular positive training.
Special Needs
The Japanese Chin is a low maintenance dog. That said, the long silky coat needs plenty of care. The Chin does well with all dogs, children, and people. This breed can only benefit from positive dog training classes to help prevent stubbornness. They’re usually independent, loyal and devoted to family. The Chin has some cat-like qualities and may be shy and reserved. This is a sensitive dog breed.
Positive training for the Chin needs to be consistent, yet one needs to take into consideration the sensitivity and intelligence of this breed and not break their spirit with unnecessary harsh reprimands. Dog training needs to mold the needs of this dog breed in a positive way so as not to break his quirkiness. Attentive pet parents are usually recommended. Socialization, as with all dog breeds should start during the first four weeks.
One quirk: Japanese Chins tend to be afraid of thunderstorms. Vets usually recommend “relax and recover shirts” to provide therapeutic pressure to help dogs feel secure and calm during thunderstorms or times of stress. Use of calming essential oils with the use of Calm Paws Calming Disks work well. Thundershirts, another anxiety wrap, also provides gentle, constant pressure to help dogs deal with stress during travel, separation anxiety, storm phobia and other every day stresses that your Chin may have to deal with.
Possible Health Concerns
Luxating Patella: The Japanese Chin may be predisposed to this condition. This occurs when the patella slips out of the trochlear groove and causes lameness. The kneecap ends up being displaced towards the midline of the dog’s body.
GM2 Gangliosidosis: This is a recessive hereditary diseae. This disease was also called Tay Sachs disease or Sandhoff’s disease. It involves lysosomal storage, and is fatal. Symptoms include loss of coordination, head shaking, mental dullness and weakness.
Cardiac Diseases. Inherited cardiac diseases in the Chins like subaortic stenosis and cardiomyopathies are congenital (present at birth). Some symptoms may include heart murmurs resulting in exercise intolerance, and possible congestive heart failure. Consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Epilepsy results in seizures that can be caused by numerous conditions. Some of these include low blood sugar, brain tumor, heat stroke, nutritional deficiencies, poisons or toxins, and distemper. Inherited epilepsy in the Chin has been showing up a lot in this gene pool. Environmental hazards are also to blame.
Cataracts: This is a condition where the lens of the eye progressively loses transparency. This often results in blindness.
The Japanese Chin dog
The Japanese Chin needs regular exercise and lots of fun play time. This dog breed has bursts of energy and does well with frequent short walks, trips to the dog park and playing ball. The more regular the exercise, the better their overall disposition will be. This is not a dog to leave alone all day. The Chin will get agitated and lonely. Plenty of socialization is needed during puppyhood so that this dog breed has no problems with other dogs later on.
A high-quality dog food for the appropriate life stage is recommended for the Chin. Pet parents should never underestimate the importance of a well-balanced diet for this small and spirited breed. Assess your dog’s activity level, age, breed, and any medical conditions that they may be prone to. Ask your veterinarian to help you.
The Japanese Chin
The Japanese Chin has a very long and silky coat. This breed needs to be brushed every day to remove loose hair and dirt. This also helps to prevent matts and tangles which can be worked through with a slicker brush or metal comb. Using natural spritzes and conditioners will make grooming easier.
Teeth need to be brushed daily with a canine toothbrush and toothpaste. Ears need to be cleaned regularly and checked for sensitivity. Trim nails as needed. Your Japanese Chin will need to have a professional dental cleaning twice a year. Consult with your veterinarian for advice. If you’re using a professional groomer, be sure to check references. Chins are a small dog breed that need to be treated gently and enjoy lots of positive reinforcements like healthy dog treats. These can be used to reward your Chin when he behaves during a nail trim.
This dog breed enjoys the comforting scent of people, most especially family, including children. This mild-mannered and sensitive dog breed needs time to adjust to new surroundings.
5 Reasons Your Pet Needs Insurance
You insure your home, your house, yourself and your family. But did you know that there’s another family member you need to look out for? Just like you find yourself suddenly sick and in need of a doctor, your pets will too. Don’t let the health of your furry friend to come down to what you can afford.
The Dalmatian, also known as the English Coach Dog, Carriage Dog, and the Firehouse Dog originated from the U.K. This breed is part of the UKC, Companion Dog Group, and the AKC. The origin of the name comes from the Eastern European coastal area of Dalmatian. This dog breed was thought to have been imported to the U.K during the 18th century.
Brief History
The Dalmatian was bred as a coach dog in the U.K. as a guard for passengers and property. The Dalmatian’s love of horses made it perfect for following horse-drawn fire engines. British nobleman also enjoyed having this breed around their stables.
Despite noble origins, today Dalmations are looked upon as a fire station mascot and help bring fire-awareness in education programs for children. The Dalmatian has been in the U.S from colonial times, known as the coach dog breed. By 1888, the Dalmatian was a registered dog breed in the AKC stud book. The Dalmatian is still very popular as a companion dog breed today.
Physical Features
The ever-friendly Dalmatian is a muscular and large dog breed with a slightly square shape. The Dalmatian’s pear-shaped head is almost flat with a slight groove down the center. Their noses are typically black, large and broad. Their medium-sized eyes are brown, blue or a combination of both colors. This breed has medium-sized drop ears with a deep chest and well-arched, compact feet. The Dalmatian has a long tapered tail that they carry with an elegant upward curve. Their coats are short, shiny, and tight. Oh, and don’t forget their famous coloring — white base with gorgeous black spots.
The Dalmatian has lots of endurance and moderate speed. It is an elegant, sporty and active dog that adores people as well as other dogs and animals. Their movements tend to be steady and graceful. With an even temperament, this outgoing dog breed is intelligent, outgoing and dignified.
Average Height:
19-24 inches
Average Weight:
45-65 pounds
Life Expectancy:
11-13 years
The Dalmatian is an active and lively dog breed. They tend to be outgoing, friendly, and rarely shy. In fact, they’re known to constantly encourage new friendships wherever they can find them — whether with other animals or people. This dog breed is great with horses and does well on equestrian farms. The Dalmatian is also sensitive and does well with positive dog training. Socialization starting at puppyhood is also beneficial. This dog breed is very affectionate with family and good with children. The Dalmatian has a strong work drive and needs to partake in organized canine activities.
Special Needs
The Dalmatian requires plenty of exercise, socialization, and positive dog training. The importance of early positive housetraining cannot be emphasized enough. Dalmatian pups need to be taught to go outside or they will develop bad habits that will often be difficult to break. It’s also important to prioritize positive obedience training for puppies. This can start as early as 9 weeks of age and should be done in super short increments of time, like 5 minute sessions a few times a day.
Allow for healthy food treats as rewards when positive dog training. Organize dog training classes outside your home to allow for this dog to socialize and meet other dogs and people. The Dalmatian needs a fenced garden or backyard and does not do well with apartment living. This breed does best on farms or large properties with horses, other dogs and lots of companionship.
Possible Health Concerns
Deafness: Dalmatians may be born with normal hearing, yet may lose hearing a few weeks after birth. Deafness is hereditary in Dalmatians, and comes from an auto-recessive gene. This gene also affects eye color, and contributes the blue iris in Dalmatians. As many as 30% of Dalmatians suffer from deafness in one or both ears. Some dog parents may confuse deafness to obedience problems.
Kidney Stones: This is common in the Dalmatian, and can be dangerous if not treated immediately. Feeding a low protein diet with fish or chicken works well in helping to preventing kidney stones. Beef and organ meats should be eliminated from the Dalmatian’s diet. Clean and fresh water needs to be available 24/7.
Hip Dysplasia: Hip Dysplasia is an abnormal development of the hip joint in large dog breeds like the Dalmatian. It is generally characterized by a loose joint, and then degenerative joint disease.
Epilepsy: This has been occurring more frequently in Dalmatians, and can be hereditary or the result of an injury or exposure to toxins.
Dalmatian dog
The Dalmatian needs a consistent exercise schedule if living in an apartment or small home. Dalmatians living on farms and equestrian properties tend to get lots of exercise and travel. This dog breed has superb memory, and is a quick learner. Positive dog training sessions are a pleasure with this dog breed. Dalmatians enjoy going out for runs or long hikes. They’re always game to take part in family activities.
Agility is a great sport for Dalmatians. They can start training at a young age for agility, and tend to do well in this canine sport. Advanced obedience is also a great option.
When it comes to choosing a food, understanding your dog’s current health and nutritional needs is paramount. There is no “best diet” since all dogs have different dietary needs, so it’s always smart to consult with your veterinarian — especially if your dog has a medical condition.
Dalmatian dog breed
This breed is quite easy to groom. Daily brushing will keep your Dalmatian’s coat in superb condition. A horsehair mitt or rubber curry comb should do the trick.
This dog breed enjoys frequent baths and daily teeth brushing. Bathing should increase if dogs are playing around on farms and in horse manure. Twice yearly visits to the veterinarian for dental hygiene maintenance is a must. Ears need to be regularly wiped out and checked regularly because they flop down and retain moisture. Nails need to be trimmed every month. If your dog does not enjoy having their nails trimmed, try out a nail grinder, visit a professional groomer or your veterinarian.
Not only is the Dalmatian a gentle and playful dog to have around children and family, this dog breed has a happy and outgoing personality that makes everyone else happy. This dog breed does not do well alone and needs to be around people and other animals. Taking part in family activities like hiking, camping, and playing ball at the dog park are a must.
If it’s summer time, all Dalmatians need to use a canine sunblock because their white coats make them more prone to sunburn. Exercise should only take place during the early morning hours or late afternoon.
The Dachshund originated during the sixteenth century and is believed to be related to the Basset Hound and a terrier breed. The word “Dachshund” is German and means “badger dog,” since they were bred to dig into badger dens to force the animals out. Their bodies are low and bred especially for underground work.
Brief History
Dachshunds of different sizes were bred to hunt different a wide spectrum of animals ranging from badgers to wild boar — especially when the pursuit took place in burrows. The breed’s loud bark allowed for his pet parent to locate him underground easily. Today the Dachshund is still used for hunting, as well as companionship.
Physical Features
This breed is compact with a long, muscular body. With a wedge-shaped head, super soft long drop ears, a deep chest and long tail, this breed can be either miniature or standard in size. They have very short legs with three types of coats: long and silky, short and smooth, or long and wiry. The color can either be red or cream, black, chocolate, blue, or fawn with tan. The Dachshund has a long back with elastic-like skin and is extremely well-balanced despite their short legs.
Average Height:
11-13 inches
Average Weight:
16-32 pounds (Standard Dachshund)
Under 11 pounds (Miniature Dachshund)
Life Expectancy:
12-16 years
These dogs are incredibly intelligent, active, playful, and love affection. They are outgoing, friendly, and fun to have around. This pup does well with apartment living and plenty of socialization.
Special Needs
This breed is prone to weight problems, so pet parents should always monitor closely. Unhealthy weight gain will quickly lead to strain on the back and legs. It’s hard to resist affectionate Dachshunds begging at the dinner table, but be sure to feed only healthy foods.
Possible Health Concerns
This is an active dog breed that may be susceptible to the following:
Bloat. This pup is deep-chested and thus more prone to this life threatening condition. Bloat is caused by the twisting of the stomach combined with the accumulation of gas with or without fluid. Stress is also a major factor in causing bloat. Never feed your pup a large meal followed by exercise. At the first signs of dry vomiting, restlessness and discomfort, contact your emergency veterinarian immediately.
Epilepsy. Epilepsy is an inherited disease that causes seizures.
Hyperthyroidism. This is a deficiency of the thyroid hormone and can cause weight gain, as well as constipation and cold sensitivity.
Intervertebral Disc Disease. 25% of Dachshunds will suffer from damage to the discs of their spines at some stage of their lives. This causes severe pain and can lead to spine damage and paralysis.
The Dachshund needs regular exercise every day to maintain strong back muscles and keep a healthy weight. They should never be allowed to run up and down steps or to jump off furniture. This breed enjoys being indoors with their pet parent.
Higher-quality dog food is recommended for Dachshunds. Don’t underestimate the importance of a well-balanced diet for this small and short breed. Consult with your veterinarian for the very best nutritional advice.
Dachshunds don’t shed much. They also don’t have much body odor. Grooming varies depending on their coat type. Longhaired Dachshunds may need daily grooming. Wirehaired Dachshunds will need to be plucked or stripped throughout the year. Eyebrow, beard and nail trimming is needed regularly, along with good dental hygiene.
The Dachshund is an easy breed to adopt. They are sensitive, affectionate and independent, but don’t like harshness or loud noises. That said, the Dachshund does need regular socialization and positive dog training during puppyhood.
The Dachshund is an easy breed to adopt. They are sensitive, affectionate and independent, but don’t like harshness or loud noises. That said, the Dachshund does need regular socialization and positive dog training during puppyhood.
Parson Russell Terrier
The Parson Russell Terrier originated during the 1800’s in the United Kingdom. This dog breed was bred to chase after foxes above and below the ground. Rev. John Russell bred a strain of terriers for catching foxes in Devonshire, U.K. during the 1800’s. The Parson Terrier is larger than the Russell Terrier, and has longer legs, though the Russell Terrier is stockier than the Parson Terrier.
Brief History
The Parson Russell Terrier comes from the U.K. This terrier breed was named after the Reverend John Russell, who bred terriers to hunt foxes in Devonshire, U.K during the 1800’s. The Parson Terrier is very similar to the original terrier breed that the Rev. John Russell bred. The AKC and the parent club, the Parson Russell Terrier Association of America (PRTAA), calls this breed the Parson Russell Terrier.
Physical Features
The Parson Russell Terrier has a medium-sized body, and is a sturdy and muscular small dog breed. With a flat skull, and a black nose, the Parson Russell Terrier has v-shaped ears, and has intelligent, almond-shaped brown eyes. This is a well-balanced dog breed that has a small chest, and straight legs. Their tails are short, and are carried upright.
They have smooth coats with an undercoat. This dog breed always has 51% white coat coloring, with tan, black, and brown markings. Russell’s have a free and effortless gait. They are a confident and outgoing dog breed that does well with equestrians on horse farms.
Average Height:
10-15 inches
Average Weight:
13-17 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-14 years
The Parson Russell Terrier is a lively, active, and dedicated dog breed that is assertive and fun to be around. They have huge hearts, are extremely active and have a strong work drive fueled by their intelligence. Terriers are generally not good with small animals like cats. Some terriers can be snappy or reactive. This dog breed needs socialization, and positive dog training starting during puppyhood and require plenty of attention. This breed is known for their digging skills, and are passionate diggers that can escape very easily from beneath fences, and out the front door. The Parson Russell Terrier is always upbeat, happy, curious, and friendly.
Special Needs
The Parson Russell Terrier has a passion for living, and enjoys each and every day. Care must be taken that the Parson Russell Terrier does not escape from home, or when out and about. This dog breed requires an experienced and active dog parent. It does not do well with apartment living, and needs an active outdoor lifestyle. The Parson Russell Terrier does well with plenty of attention and exercise. This is a playful and curious dog breed that enjoys travel, being around people, and most especially running around!
Possible Health Concerns
Patellar Luxation: This is a hereditary condition that is caused by the abnormal development of the kneecap(patella).X-rays will aid in seeing the severity of the displacement. Treatment usually involves surgical options.
Congenital Deafness: This is a problem in Parson Russell Terriers. The BAER test is the only 100% reliable method for testing of deafness in dogs. Bilaterally deaf terriers are easier to identify.
Legg-Perthes Disease. This is the deterioration of the top of the femur that is often seen in smaller dog breeds like the Parson Russell Terrier. It is characterized by a lack of blood supply and destruction of the blood vessels of the bone. Veterinary treatment usually involves the surgical removal of the affected femoral head and neck, and physical therapy so as to stimulate limb usage.
Lens Displacement: This is a common inherited eye problem in terrier breeds. It can also be caused by trauma, enlargement of the eyeball due to glaucoma, and degenerative changes that occur from cataracts that have not been treated. Consult with your veterinarian.
Spinocerebellar Ataxia: This is an inherited neurological disease that affects the Parson Terrier. Dogs with this present loss of balance and show signs of incoordination.
The Parson Russell Terrier
The Parson Russell Terrier is an energetic dog breed that does well with plenty of regular exercise and canine sporting activities. This dog breed also needs to be mentally stimulated when out exercising for their mental well-being. The Parson Russell Terrier can get very excitable, so plenty of off-leash exercise is necessary.
Without high-quality nutrition, the Parson Russell Terrier can suffer from numerous problems ranging from skin allergies, malnutrition, and other health issues. Work together with your veterinarian and possibly consider high-quality home cooked meals with added vegetables, fruits and supplements.
This dog breed is easy to maintain. The Parson Russell Terrier has two types of coats: smooth and broken. A soft brush or hound glove works best for this breed. Regular bathing is required for this active dog breed, most especially if he’s been digging or rolling around in the mud. Nails should be trimmed when needed, and ears should be cleaned frequently. Teeth should be brushed every day, and twice yearly visits for dental cleaning are necessary.
Parson Russell Terriers are some of the most active dog breeds that you can find. Fun-loving, active and incredibly feisty, this breed can be rambunctious if left alone and bored. This breed needs an active and experienced pet parent, but has an immense amount of love and companionship to give.
The Mastiff, also known as the Old English Mastiff is believed to have originated from the Tibetan Mastiff. This is an ancient dog breed that was developed for guarding and fighting. The Tibetan Mastiff and Neapolitan Mastiff are examples of the ancient breeds.
Brief History
The British Mastiff, known as the AKC Mastiff, is also an ancient breed. This breed originated from Mastiff-type dogs called draft animals, known as tinker dogs. Their ancestor, the Molossus, was recognized 5,000 years ago. They were commonly used for pulling heavy tools on their backs for their owners.
The ancient dogs were muscular dogs used to turn wheels to draw well water as well as herd cattle and oxen. The most important task of the ancient day Mastiff was to guard and protect family, a role that remains unchanged today. This breed is dedicated to being the best family guard dog!
Other aggressive breeds were used for hunting and baiting large animals. But these puppies were typically raised amongst cows and cattle in order to train them to protect them from wolves and other prey. They have been used in South African farms for protection against wildlife, and terrorism. Today this breed is a popular choice for families living in rural areas. They are wonderfully sweet family dogs.
Physical Features
This is a large, powerful dog breed in both height and build. This breed combines grandeur with good nature. They are intelligent, not excitable, but affectionate towards their pet parents. This breed requires plenty of human contact and a high–quality diet. They’re best suited to a home where there are opportunities for exercise.
Their heads are rectangular-shaped, with short muzzles and small, V-shaped drop ears. This breed has a broad, dark, nose, and brown eyes with a smooth, short coat. Their coloring is typically fawn-colored, apricot, or brindle, with fawn or apricot as the main color. They have dark facial masks.
Average Height:
27.5 – 30 inches
Average Weight:
Males: 160-230 pounds
Females: 120-170 pounds
Life Expectancy:
8-10 years
This breed is best described as heroic, calm and very loyal. They’re also extremely confident and easy-going. They make great protectors and are kind with children.
Mastiffs seem to assess every situation before acting. They know how powerful they are and don’t act without reason. They make great family dogs and love to feel like part of the brood. This breed should never be left to live outdoors, but instead pet parents should enjoy and involve their dogs in as many family activities possible. By doing so, these dogs become serene and docile, yet still make great family guard dogs.
Mastiffs need to feel that they belong to a family and will only protect and defend those that they respect and have bonded with.
They do well with positive training starting at puppyhood. Owners should start socializing them around 4 weeks old. They do best if they’re introduced to different people, other animals and children from puppyhood. They enjoy dog parks, dog beaches, long hikes and some organized canine sporting activities.
Special Needs
These dogs aren’t satisfied if left at home with nothing to do. This breed will need to have a job like protecting your cattle, children, or home; or going to dog training classes and shows.
The Mastiff is born with a guarding instinct, and a truly sensitive nature. It’s recommended not to use the traditional training methods like Schutzhund, as they will destroy a Mastiff’s mellow temperament, turning them into aggressive dogs that will become impossible to live with.
This breed needs plenty of socialization, training, and needs to keep busy. They need to stay fit and healthy, because they have a tendency to become overweight. Apartment living is not recommended.
Possible Health Concerns
The Mastiff is an active dog breed that may be susceptible to:
Hip Dysplasia is a hereditary developmental disease. HD occurs when the hip joint fails to develop properly. In Mastiffs with HD, the head of the thigh bone does not fall into the hip socket. The imperfect fit results in the joint becoming loose and unstable. This leads to osteoarthritis.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is the name for a group of diseases that cause degeneration of the retina. This will include inherited abnormalities of the light-sensitive cells.
Hypothyroidism a deficiency of the thyroid hormone, and can cause weight gain in Mastiffs, as well as constipation, and cold sensitivity.
This dog breed needs regular exercise and plenty of off-leash runs.
When they’re younger they shouldn’t play with larger dogs. As puppies, they enjoy playing so much that they may forget how big the other dog really is. Make sure to protect your Mastiff puppy from injury when he is playing with other dogs.
Because this breed goes through growth spurts, they often become out of balance. Their hindquarters may grow higher than their front, thus shifting their weight load. They may place their front feet down incorrectly trying to compensate for being out of balance, putting them at risk for numerous injuries.
Since this dog is prone to obesity, owners will need to keep portion control in mind. Veterinarians can help determine how many calories this dog needs each day, and will help address any weight issues they may have. It’s important not to elimiate vial nutrition in the process.
This breed needs encouragement to eat slowly, which will also help to reduce digestive problems and bloat. It’s a good idea to use a Slow Feeder, which comes in different sizes.
The Mastiff’s short coat is easy to groom. During heavy shedding that occurs twice yearly, extra grooming will be needed. Daily brushing with a rubber mitt or medium bristle brush will aid in removing loose hair, and in keeping their coats healthy and shiny. Nails need to be trimmed regularly.
Because this is a low energy breed, they make a great addition to any home. Socialization, positive dog training, and maintaining the correct diet with plenty of exercise will keep your Mastiff happy and healthy.