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Sounds of the Animals Around the World
There are close to 9 million species of animals on the planet. Many of these animals make distinct noises which can be interesting and fun to hear.
Pet Adoption: Important Questions to Ask Before Adopting a Pet
Family pets can be procured from several sources including purchasing a pet from a pet store or a private breeder. One can also adopt a pet from an animal shelter, pet adoption center or rescue organization. Families who choose to add a pet are well advised to first seek out a perfect match from a local animal shelter or pet adoption center. Historically, animal shelters have been given a bad reputation in the discussion of where to find the perfect pet. Those myths are dated and have been largely dispelled at most municipal government animal shelters, foundation supported shelters and adoption centers. Many shelters today have full time veterinary services, so pets are examined and receive the necessary treatments as soon as they are admitted to the shelters and before the adoption process begins. There is usually a 3 to 4 day waiting period to check the health, disposition and adoptability of a specific animal before it is placed up for adoption. This is a standard procedure unless a pet is brought in by his or her owner to be put up for adoption. Typically, animals must be given vaccinations, be cleaned, groomed and spayed or neutered before they are allowed to be taken from the shelter for adoption. Additionally, most shelters require an identification microchip be inserted under the skin as a form of permanent identification. It’s possible to place a “hold” on a specific pet, while he or she undergoes the necessary preparations for adoption. Of course, payment for adoption fees must be settled before the animal is taken from the adoption center.
Part of the hairless cat breeds, the Sphynx draws human attention everywhere it goes. That’s great news, because Sphynx cats love human company and make great pets for city apartments and additions to homes with children.
Brief History
The Sphynx cat is a product of selective breeding in Canada during the 1960’s and are known for their almost dog-like personalities as well as famous hairlessness.
There are two types of the Sphynx breed: the American Sphynx and the European Sphynx. Both the European and American Sphynx groups are descended from two natural lines of mutation. The first line started in 1975 with the Pearson family’s dermis and epidermis barn cats and the second started in 1978 with two stray cats, Bambi and Punke, which were found in Toronto in Ontario, Canada.
Physical Features
The International Cat Association identifies the Sphynx as a unique cat breed with the following standards. They have a wedge-like head with high cheekbones. Their eyes are large and assume a lemon shape while their ears are also large with a soft down outside base and no inside hair. A Sphynx may or may not have whiskers and if present, these whiskers are either full or broken. Their necks are of medium length, well-muscled and powerful in build. Other unique features are: a barrel chest, torso of medium length, full and round abdomen, tapering tail with a whip like appearance and thick paw pads.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
6-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-16 years
Sphynx cats love attention and are generally very cheerful. They make great therapy pets being because of their loving disposition and constant smile. When not seeking or receiving attention, Sphynxes spend their time exploring their surroundings. While doing this, they are often very lively, energetic and curious.
sphynx cat
Special Needs
Sphynxes are highly social cats that can make a family out of anything. Because of this, they hate being locked away or put in enclosures that limit their freedom to move about. If you need to be away for long periods of time, consider adopting a friend for your Sphynx to play with.
Possible Health Concerns
The Bombay is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
The Sphynx is a generally healthy cat breed, however they remain vulnerable to various diseases common to both mixed-breed and pedigreed cats. Sphynx owners should be on the lookout for: Urticaria pigmentosa and Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Sphynxs are energetic and love to spend most of their time involved in an activity. They play well with children and fellow pets and also excel in brain teaser games such as puzzle toys. Because of this, an exercise routine schedule isn’t necessary. However you can spare some time to walk with your Sphynx and play a game or two.
Sphynxs should do well with high nutrition cat food both home prepared or commercially manufactured. They love fruit as treats, but make sure to only give those with lots of fiber and vitamins such as apples. Clean water should also be available for them to drink and remain hydrated.
Despite having a hairless body, the Sphynx’s coat and skin needs as much care as hairy cats. Wash your Sphynx on a weekly basis using a mild moisturizing shampoo or baby shampoo and keep the skin moisturized with scent free oil or lotion. Bathing the Sphynx from a tender age will teach it to accept baths and get more used to water. Brushing the Sphynx’s teeth helps prevent it from developing periodontal disease.
sphynx cat breed
How to Keep Different Types of Pet Spiders
Although not for everyone, many children and adults enjoy raising spiders, also known as arachnids, as pets. Pet tarantulas and wolf spider pets are interesting to observe and are the two most popular types of spiders kept as pets.
Ehrlichiosis: What to Look For
Ehrlichiosis is a tick-borne bacterial infection that affects canines like dogs, wolves and other species around the world. Also known as Canine Typhus, Tracker Dog Disease, and Tropical Canine Pancytopenia, this disease leads to a wide range of flu-like symptoms, which makes the disease difficult to diagnose.
The Fourth of July Fireworks and Your Pet
Each year at this time many pet owners are faced with the Fourth of July fireworks and their pets. Although many dogs don’t seem to be bothered by the sounds and sights of fireworks, others become totally terrified during this annual celebration. These frightened dogs will show signs of apprehension and anxiety at the first sound of the explosions of fireworks as well as the flash that is associated with them. For those dogs that express mild distress during the traditional fireworks on this holiday, you may be able to control their fear satisfactorily by closing them in a basement or otherwise dark room. Close the blinds and play music on the radio or stereo and this might be enough to cover the noise and flash that makes them exhibit this distress. If you live close to the annual fireworks display in your town, this method might not be enough to cover the sounds and sights of this event and you may have to resort to stronger methods to relieve them of their fear.
welsh terrier
The Welsh Terrier, also known as the Old English Terrier, comes from Wales. It is part of the AKC/UKC, Terrier Group. This breed came into existence during the 1700’s and was used in fox hunts and to catch badgers.
Brief History
The Welsh Terrier has fierce jaws and good digging skills. They were most commonly used to dig up badger lairs, but also as companion dogs. The Welsh Terrier first arrived in the U.S during the 19th century. Two older dog breeds — the Old English Black and the Tan Terrier, are believed to be related to the Welsh Terrier.
Physical Features
The Welsh Terrier is a compact and sturdy dog breed. They’re typically medium in size with a slightly rugged look. They also have a rectangular head with a square muzzle and a coarse, wiry coat. Don’t let the size fool you: though compact, their muzzles are quite strong. Welsh Terriers have a black square nose and a docked tail. They have V-shaped ears which are always folded forward. Typically, their legs, underbody and head are tan in color, with a jacket in black or grizzle.
Average Height:
18-21 inches
Average Weight:
20-28 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-14 years
The Welsh Terrier is friendly and outgoing. They tend to be on the feisty side with unique quirks. That being said, the Welsh Terrier is notably easy to train and game for new activities. This dog breed is known for showing intelligence and self-restraint. The Welsh Terrier is a friendly and amiable dog breed that enjoys people — especially children — and other animals. Although the Welsh Terrier has a pronounced prey instinct, when positively trained and socialized, is one of the easiest dogs to live with. They are capable of deep companionship and are immensely loyal.
The Welsh Terrier does best with lots of exercise and a fenced and secure garden or backyard. This is a very sensitive dog breed that needs tons of positive reinforcement and does well with lots of attention and affection. Care must be given to ensure that all fencing in backyards and gardens is secure, as they do have a tendency to dig. The Welsh Terrier does well with lots of off-leash running. They enjoy playing Frisbee and ball.
Special Needs
The Welsh Terrier needs an active home. This breed does well with plenty of regular exercise, positive dog training and socialization. The Welsh Terrier breed needs to be socialized from puppyhood and should never be isolated.This breed bonds closely with all family members, including children.
The Welsh Terrier needs to interact with people so as not to become bored and mischievous. Positive training needs to tailor to the specific temperament of this breed. Because of their high-energy, Welsh Terriers typically do best with an experienced dog parent that can be firm, yet kind. Interactive dog toys are a plus for the Welsh Terrier. If excessive barking is a problem, food dispensing dog toys help with boredom.
All family members need to be on the same page with positive dog training methods. Although it may be difficult to not spoil this pup, it’s for the best. The Welsh Terrier should live indoors, but may have housetraining issues if not trained positively beginning at puppyhood.
Possible Health Concerns
Legg-Perthes Disease. This is the deterioration of the top of the femur. It is characterized by a lack of blood supply and destruction of the blood vessels of the bone. It is a hereditary condition in some terrier breeds.
Dental Problems. The Welsh Terrier needs proper dental care, including preventative methods like daily tooth brushing, which will help prevent gum disease, periodontitis and endodontic disease.
Skin Allergies: This dog may be prone to Atopic Dermatitis. This is caused by an abnormal immune system response. There are many allergies which can affect the skin, and are caused by fleas, dog food and other allergens like pollen in the air. Consult with your veterinarian if your dog suffers from intense itching.
Hip Dysplasia is the abnormal development of the hip joint. It is generally characterized by a loose joint, and then degenerative joint disease.
Epilepsy is an inherited disease that causes seizures.
Primary Lens Luxation (PLL) This is an inherited disease that affects the eye. It is associated with the disintegration of the zonule fibers that hold the lens in place.
welsh terrier dog
The Welsh Terrier is an energetic dog breed that does well with plenty of regular exercise and canine sporting activities like agility, obedience, and dock diving. Herding and Frisbee are also stress-free ways that your dog can have fun. That said, some of the best activities you can have with your dog are unorganized like going out for a jog or a long walk. Plan hikes and vigorous exercise for cool mornings.
Clipping should be done every 8-12 weeks. The Welsh Terrier’s coat should be kept longer or unclipped in colder weather. Opting for a professional dog groomer helps with maintaining coat health.
Routine daily grooming will keep the Welsh Terrier’s coat in good condition. This is one of the easiest breeds to groom. A short bristled brush or mitt should be used to maintain a shiny and healthy coat. Twice yearly visits to the veterinarian for dental hygiene maintenance is a must. Ears need to be regularly wiped out, and nails trimmed regularly.
This breed is famously feisty, happy and energetic. They also make for good travel companions because they are so adaptable. They also love adventure. As with all terriers, it’s best to supervise when out and about to make sure that they don’t stray and that all fences are secure. Terriers are well known for digging underneath fences and escaping.
welsh terrier dog breed
The Yorkipoo is a fun-loving, energetic and loving small breed. They are are versatile dogs that can live in a large house or an apartment with equal satisfaction. They’re extremely easy-going and love lounge time just as much as a walk in the park. The Yorkipoo may be petite, but make no mistake, their little bodies pack a ton of energy and agility.
Brief History
The Yorkipoo is a cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Toy Poodle and were first bred in the United States. Yorkipoos were bred to be hypoallergenic and make great companion dogs to people of all ages. Due to their mixed breeding, the Yorkipoo is not recognized by the American Kennel Club but is recognized by the American Hybrid Canine Club and the Designer Dog Kennel Club.
Physical Features
The Yorkipoo combines all the favorable physical characteristics of the Yorkshire Terrier and the Toy Poodle. They are small in stature and have a long, smooth and silky coat — either curly or straight. The Yorkipoo has black or brown eyes with an intelligent glint and their noses are typically brown or black.
The Yorkipoo’s coat can be of a wide range of colors such as apricot, brown, white, gray, or a combination of a few. The Yorkipoo’s ears can be straight and upright or floppy. Overall, they’re handsome dogs with a ton of personality.
Average Height:
7 – 12 inches
Average Weight:
3 to 14 lb
Life Expectancy:
10 to 15 years
Yorkipoos are full of vitality and are always up to something interesting. Be prepared for their antics to make you laugh a lot! Yorkipoo are confident and comfortable while engaged in active play, but are also quite ready to relax on your lap. This little dog is quite intelligent and can make an ideal playmate for children. Their love and affection also come in handy for more senior owners.
The Yorkipoo is gentle and behaves well with strangers. Thanks to their cool disposition, the Yorkipoo can be socialized easily. Like many small dogs, the Yorkipoo has no idea of its small size and will play with much larger dogs. To avoid any accidents, Yorkipoos should be introduced to larger dogs under strict supervision until they can make friends.
Yorkipoos are extremely smart and always eager to please. This makes them easy to train. While teaching this dog, you should use positive reinforcement. They typically don’t respond well to harsh commands or threats. Instead, enthusiastic praise and treats after good performance will help the Yorkipoo learn quicker.This dog’s innate qualities give it great potential for obedience or therapy training.
Special Needs
Yorkipoos have a strong constituion and can stay healthy over a long period of time with proper care.
Possible Health Concerns
However, they are prone to conditions such as dry eye, retinal detachment, hypoglycemia and endocardiosis. Early diagnosis and treatment can ward off many of these diseases and help the Yorkipoo make a full recovery each time.
The Yorkipoo requires regular training to keep their high energy levels in check. A brisk, short walk once a day is enough to keep them healthy and strong. The Yorkiepoo also loves running around with a ball or toy.
The Yorkipoo is known for being a picky eater. To solve this problem, you can experiment mixing wet and dry food together to see what works best.
Yorkipoos have long, beautiful, hypoallergenic coats that require regular care. Owners must make sure to brush this pup regularly throughout the week to prevent matting and bathe them once a month. Consult your veterinarian for shampoo recommendations.
A Yorkipoo is a little dog with big energy and a big heart,. They make excellent companion dogs and love to bond with their humans.