Horse Resources

Learn More About Horses
General Resources
Horses are amazing animals that delight people of all ages, races, and demographics. Since the first time horses became domesticated around 3,000 BC, these animals have carried out and continue to perform a myriad of functions including serving as stable hands, racing companions as well as carriages for royalty and other dignitaries. If you want to deepen your knowledge about this magnificent species, to owning one, learning to ride and competing in horse riding competitions, do well to visit these online resources:
You can call this website the Google of everything horses, and you won’t be wrong. The Horse Source is your one-stop shop for issues and information concerning breeds of horses, health concerns and safety, and best horse management practices among other engaging topics. You should know that the website now offers the opportunity to have questions fielded by certified equine behavioral experts. You should make The Horse Source your primary source for horse education for the reasons mentioned earlier.
Kid’s Stuff
If there ever was a group that has developed an almost instant affinity for the horse, it has to be children. And horses love the little ones. Again we know that little boys pretend to be cowboys or knights on a valiant steed, and little girls love to play with ponies and pretend to be princesses on a white horse, all thanks to their vibrant powers of imagination. So if you want to give your youngsters the right head start with horses, steer them with valuable insight from these websites:
Let your kids peruse and shore up their knowledge about the horse; the website provides tons of material, including videos and podcasts, notes about the various species of horses as well other information that will surely capture the attention of the average kid.
AQHA is fast becoming the number one resource for teaching kids the rudiments of horseback riding. Their newest game, ‘Hoof Stuff’ allows horse-crazy kids to care of their very own, interactive horse while learning basic horse-care facts. Take a tour.
Veterinary Resources
Taking care of one horse is no joke. The stakes get higher when you are saddled (no pun intended) with caring for a stable filled with these beautiful animals. So whether you are a veterinarian looking for professional insight or a horse owner looking for help in choosing a vet, let the following sites guide you:
American Association of Equine Practitioners
The American Association of Equine Practitioners runs one of the most updated and keenly followed online platforms on horses. Receive informed insights and objective analysis from well-trained professionals on a range of issues including breeding patterns, better care management tips, advances in horse care and treatment among others.
British Equine Veterinary Association
You can now follow a group of grounded professionals, as they expound on all matters relating to horses. Check out expert analysis of horse breeding and best healthcare practices as well as subscribe to the platform’s newsletters to stay abreast of ongoing developments in the equine world.
Horse Shoeing Resources
Keeping your riding companion fit and happy, means that you must pay attention to the shoes of your horse. Taking proper care of your horse’s feet starts with fitting horseshoes; it is essential that you seek professional help and counsel in this regard. To learn more about horseshoe care and management, visit the following websites:
Follow Dr. Smith as he expounds on ways to keep your horse’s hoofs in prime condition, to always get your companion riding in top shape.
Stable Management
Having many horses requires specific knowledge and essential resources in taking adequate care of them. You should note that there are entire courses in college dedicated to teaching stable management of horses. If your need is in this direction, consider these resource:
This website holds insightful articles that teach stable owners and operators best practices to ensure the wellbeing/safety of horses in their care. You can also access useful materials on stable construction and design, animal communications and barn equipment among others.
Horse Publications
Due to the growing demand for resources and materials on horses, many magazines now focus on these magnificent creatures. For grounded information on equine matters, check out these resources:
This website has distinguished itself as one of the most authentic voices in the equine world. A quick look at the website proves this assertion right. With knowledge clusters such as dressage, show jumping and horse health & rider fitness among others, Horse Magazine can satisfy your thirst for more knowledge on horses.
Also known as Equisearch, Horse and Rider is fast becoming the Wikipedia on matters concerning horses. Not only do you have access to insightful articles and helpful tidbits, there are instruction videos and free guides that will help you on a range of topics, from learning to ride a horse to setting up your farm stable.
If you are an enthusiast and you are searching for a resource that shines the light on all matters equine, then look no further than Horse Journals. This website overflows with valuable information, from horse care and management, riding and training, developing a stable among others. Subscribing to the Horse Journal’s newsletter means you get notified of interesting and contemporary happenings in the equestrian hemisphere.
Clubs and Associations
What better way to share your love for horses than mingling with individuals and businesses of like minds? To this end, various clubs and associations offer membership opportunities that suit your tastes and preferences:
International University Equestrian Federation
Yes, you can fan the flames of your passion for horses and hone your equestrian skills by enrolling at this world-class educational center. Once you have settled in, you can take advantage of an adroit faculty, a supportive student base, world-class training facilities and a serene environment where your passion and skillset can grow side by side.
Horse Riding Club Association of Victoria (HRCAV)
If you want an umbrella body that not only gives you the opportunity to improve your riding skills but also fellowship with fellow equine enthusiasts from over 200 other affiliated clubs in South Australia and environs, then the HRCAV is the place for you. There, you enjoy invaluable social activities, engage in structured competitions as well as hone your riding skills.
Breeds and Breeds Associations
Did you know that there are officially over 260 horse breeds? Therefore if you need help finding the kind of strain you want or resources that can connect you to others who own or train such a breed, do well to check out the following sites:
Equus Magazine can serve as your gateway to being informed about the various breeds of horses available today. The magazine serves as a connection to notable breed associations and directories, from the Akhal Teke to the Friesan.
Horse Racing
Nothing compares to the feeling of bonding with your horse, as two become one, riding in perfect harmony. You should know that Horses of all sizes and shapes can be raced, from short ponies to the majestic Thoroughbred. To learn more about horse-racing, see these websites.
BloodHorse has built a reputation as the go-to resource for thoroughbred horse racing. You can join hundreds of horse racing enthusiasts, professionals, and other like-minded individuals to receive accurate and timely racing and breeding news.
Horses for Sale
The internet has been a boon for all lovers of horses and equestrian sports in general. Now, from the comfort of your home or just about anywhere, you can search for particular breeds of horses and set up a time for an on-the-spot assessment.
You can now streamline your search for your desired breed by using features such as bloodline, contact name, horse ID query as well as breed/state search, to get the best bargains.
Stables, Boarding, Training, and Instructions
If you form a part of a select group of riding instructors, trainers and those who board horses, you would need sound insight and tips on performing your duties successfully. In this regard, you can look up the following:
American Riding Instructors Association (ARIA)
The ARIA’s mission is to turn you into an efficient and humane riding instructor by giving you an in-depth grasp of horseback riding, founded on the principles of safety, knowledge, and integrity. If this tickles your fancy, then you should pursue getting a membership at the ARIA.
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