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Cat Sounds: What Do They Mean?
Every cat owner knows that cats are good at vocalizing their needs. Some cats talk more than others, but you know your cat wants something when he starts meowing. He might want to go outside, or maybe he is hungry. But beyond the typical plaintive “meow,” cats have plenty to say. Your cat will offer up a whole selection of other sounds.
The Norwich Terrier comes from the U.K, and is part of the UKC/AKC Terrier group. This is a breed that was originally trained to kill rats. This dog breed was used in packs to travel in foxhunts. Even so, they are more sociable than a regular terrier.
Brief History
The Norwich Terrier and the Norfolk Terrier were known as the same breed until 1964. After that, the main difference would be the Norwich Terrier’s prick ears. The Norwich Terrier was bred during the 1870’s and 1880’s. Undergrads at Cambridge University came to enjoy this dog breed. This dog breed became dorm-room ratters for Cambridge and nearby stables. This breed then was named Trumpington Terriers. One of these dogs was bred numerously at a stableyard, and sired Terrier pups. The breed then became the Jones Terriers in the U.S. The UKC and AKC recognized the Norwich Terrier in the 1930’s. Both Norwich and Norfolk Terrier are closely related.
Physical Features
The Norwich Terrier is spunky and alert. This dog breed is the smallest working terrier. With dark eyes that are oval-shaped, their skulls are broad and slightly rounded. The body is moderately short, and the tail is of medium length, and docked. The hindquarters are strong and muscular.
The Norwich Terrier has a wiry coat that lies close to their bodies, and has an undercoat. The coat on their necks and shoulders forms a mane. The coat can be shades of black and tan or grizzle, red, or wheaten. Their temperaments are happy, fearless, and alert.
Average Height:
9-10 inches
Average Weight:
11-13 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The Norwich Terrier is alert, fun loving, and affectionate. This is a good natured dog breed that enjoys children and other dogs. In order to spend time around other small animals it’s a good idea if they’re socialized first. This dog breed is fearless and highly trainable. Positive dog training and socialization needs to start during puppyhood. The name Terrier comes from the Latin word “terra” meaning earth. These dog breeds were first used to dig tunnels so that they could chase rats and other small prey. These are high- energy dogs that enjoy exercising and free play.
Special Needs
The Norwich Terrier needs to have a securely fenced backyard or garden. This dog breed is known for its escapades, and tends to dig beneath fencing to escape. Socialization with cats, children, people, and other dogs is necessary starting during the first four weeks of puppyhood, and continuing for the dog’s lifetime. Positive dog trainings should focus on maintaining the happy temperament that this breed displays. Harsh or loud reprimands tends to negate any positive bonding, and subjects a dog to unnecessary stress and possible trauma.
Possible Health Concerns
The Norwich Terrier is an active and healthy dog breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
Hip Dysplasia: This is a hereditary condition that affects this dog breed. HD is an abnormal development of the hip joint in dogs. It’s generally characterized by a loose joint, then degenerative joint disease. Dogs should be fed a high-quality diet geared towards their life stage. Excessive growth, types of exercise, nutritional factors, and hereditary factors all come in to play with hip dysplasia. Consult with your veterinarian for expert advice.
Epilepsy: An inherited disease that causes seizures. Dogs will generally require treatment with anticonvulsants from their veterinarians.
Degenerative Myelopathy: This is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that may be found in the Norwich Terrier. It is caused by the SOD1-A gene. It happens during adulthood. Some symptoms may include limb weakness, muscle wasting, muscle tremors, and stumbling. Consult with your veterinarian.
Upper Airway Syndrome: This is a respiratory condition that presents as noisy breathing to critical distress. The condition is breed specific, can occur without warning, and may be fatal.
Dental Disease: This is common in smaller dog breeds. Brushing your dog’s teeth everyday, followed by twice yearly dental cleanings, will reduce the chance for periodontal disease.
Luxating Patellas. This is a hereditary condition that is caused by the abnormal development of the kneecap(patella). X-rays will aid in seeing the severity of the displacement. Treatment usually involves surgical options.
The Norwich Terrier needs moderate exercise with brief bouts of fast activity like running after a tennis ball. This breed should never be over-exercised. They benefit from a few daily walks at a moderate pace with lots of off-leash runs at the beach or dog park.
This breed needs plenty of socialization like going to the dog park, or out and about the neighborhood. If not exercised sufficiently, they can become overly cranky and anxious. They should not be allowed to jump off tables, run up flights of stairs, or overexert themselves. Swimming is a great exercise for this small dog breed that will promote bone and joint strength.
A high-quality dog food for the appropriate life stage is recommended. Dog parents should assess their dog’s activity level, age, breed, and any medical conditions that he or she may be prone to.
Look for dog food formulas that contain ingredients like duck, eggs, chicken, lamb and Wisconsin cheese, fruits and vegetables. Another factor that comes into play is that the dog food formula does not contribute to plaque buildup. It should not contain sugars, salt, or added preservatives.
The Norwich Terrier has a double coat. The outer coat is harsh, and almost 100% waterproof. The undercoat is soft and insulating. Clipping is practical, yet may remove the colored tips from the coat. The coat texture will be much softer when clipped.
Daily grooming is necessary with bathing as needed, since this breed loves playing around in the bushes and in mud. The Norfolk Terrier is active, and does well with regular grooming. Regular ear cleaning and daily tooth brushing is needed to prevent tartar buildup. Nails need to be trimmed as needed. As with all dog breeds, it’s necessary to bring your dog in for a twice yearly dental cleaning.
This bright and quirky dog breed is delightfully playful, and always ready for adventure. They enjoy hikes, swims, boat rides, or just hanging out next to you.
It’s all about guiding and empowering you to help your pet avoid injury, provide practical solutions and achieve rapid restoration of health and function!
It’s an exciting time welcoming a new puppy into your household. They provide so much fun and love, and are like a new child in your family. This time can also be daunting to the new puppy owner, especially if they have never owned a dog before. In this article, we will give you a whirlwind tour through everything you need to know to take care of a new puppy.
Part of the hairless cat breeds, the Sphynx draws human attention everywhere it goes. That’s great news, because Sphynx cats love human company and make great pets for city apartments and additions to homes with children.
Brief History
The Sphynx cat is a product of selective breeding in Canada during the 1960’s and are known for their almost dog-like personalities as well as famous hairlessness.
There are two types of the Sphynx breed: the American Sphynx and the European Sphynx. Both the European and American Sphynx groups are descended from two natural lines of mutation. The first line started in 1975 with the Pearson family’s dermis and epidermis barn cats and the second started in 1978 with two stray cats, Bambi and Punke, which were found in Toronto in Ontario, Canada.
Physical Features
The International Cat Association identifies the Sphynx as a unique cat breed with the following standards. They have a wedge-like head with high cheekbones. Their eyes are large and assume a lemon shape while their ears are also large with a soft down outside base and no inside hair. A Sphynx may or may not have whiskers and if present, these whiskers are either full or broken. Their necks are of medium length, well-muscled and powerful in build. Other unique features are: a barrel chest, torso of medium length, full and round abdomen, tapering tail with a whip like appearance and thick paw pads.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
6-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-16 years
Sphynx cats love attention and are generally very cheerful. They make great therapy pets being because of their loving disposition and constant smile. When not seeking or receiving attention, Sphynxes spend their time exploring their surroundings. While doing this, they are often very lively, energetic and curious.
sphynx cat
Special Needs
Sphynxes are highly social cats that can make a family out of anything. Because of this, they hate being locked away or put in enclosures that limit their freedom to move about. If you need to be away for long periods of time, consider adopting a friend for your Sphynx to play with.
Possible Health Concerns
The Bombay is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
The Sphynx is a generally healthy cat breed, however they remain vulnerable to various diseases common to both mixed-breed and pedigreed cats. Sphynx owners should be on the lookout for: Urticaria pigmentosa and Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Sphynxs are energetic and love to spend most of their time involved in an activity. They play well with children and fellow pets and also excel in brain teaser games such as puzzle toys. Because of this, an exercise routine schedule isn’t necessary. However you can spare some time to walk with your Sphynx and play a game or two.
Sphynxs should do well with high nutrition cat food both home prepared or commercially manufactured. They love fruit as treats, but make sure to only give those with lots of fiber and vitamins such as apples. Clean water should also be available for them to drink and remain hydrated.
Despite having a hairless body, the Sphynx’s coat and skin needs as much care as hairy cats. Wash your Sphynx on a weekly basis using a mild moisturizing shampoo or baby shampoo and keep the skin moisturized with scent free oil or lotion. Bathing the Sphynx from a tender age will teach it to accept baths and get more used to water. Brushing the Sphynx’s teeth helps prevent it from developing periodontal disease.
sphynx cat breed
What are Savannah Cats?
There’s something unmistakably striking about the Savannah cat. Descended from African wild cats and crossed with domestic cats, these exotic hybrids are graceful, captivating and leave you wanting to know more.
The American Shorthair is a domesticated cat breed that originated in Europe, and was brought over by early settlers. This cat breed was a ratter used to protect cargo on ships from mice. This is a pedigreed cat breed that is accepted by all North American cat registries.
Brief History
The American Shorthair sailed with sailors from Europe to North America. Many travelled on the Mayflower with the Pilgrims and interbred. They developed special traits to survive the U.S climate and lifestyle. By the beginning of the 20th century, a selective breeding program stipulated the American Shorthair breed standards. This breed was first named the Domestic Shorthair. This changed in 1966 when it was changed to the American Shorthair. This breed is a working cat breed, since it originally was used to kill mice on board ships.
Physical Features
The American Shorthair has a round face and short ears, a well-built body, a strong chest, powerful shoulders and hindquarters. The coat can be one of eighty colors and patterns ranging from brown tabby to a shady silvery coloring. Many American Shorthairs will have black or brown coloring. Eye color can be green, gold, hazel, blue, copper, or odd-eyed. By 2012 this cat breed was the seventh most popular cat breed in the U.S.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
6-15 pounds
Life Expectancy:
15-20 years
The American Shorthair is relaxed and enjoys being pampered. This breed thrives with lots of cuddles and cute cat toys. This cat breed is laid back, low maintenance, and loves to hunt and sunbathe. Early socialization during kittenhood helps all cats get along with guests and other animals. This cat breed is very affectionate, and does well with indoor living.
This cat breed is easy to live with, as they are not overly vocal or quirky. Positive clicker training with rewards works best with the cat to prevent excessive scratching in the wrong places. This breed learns quickly, and is wonderful to live with. Providing your cat with scratching posts, clean litter boxes, stimulating and safe cat toys, help to ensure a well-balanced and happy cat.
american shorthair cat
Possible Health Concerns
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: This is a heart muscle disorder where the heart walls of the left ventricle thicken. This is a common primary heart disease in cats. It tends to get noticed at around 3 months to 17 years of age. Most cats will be middle aged when this disorder occurs. This disorder tends to affect males more than females, and it is an inherited genetic defect. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs. Fluid may also accumulate in the lungs, and in the space between the lungs and chest wall. Veterinary treatment will aim at improving cardiac function, and reducing blood clots. There is a good longterm outlook for mildly affected cats.
The American Shorthair needs daily brushing. This cat breed sheds moderately.
Healthy cats need minimal bathing with a gentle cat shampoo. Your cat will need dental care as well. Small and frequent effective hygiene habits will make a big difference in maintaining healthy skin, healthy teeth, and good overall health. Look for environmentally safe pet products that have natural ingredients.
The American Shorthair is a laid back cat breed that enjoys being indoors, and around family. This cat does well with either apartment living or home living.
The Savannah cat is an exotic cat. They are covered in spots and enjoy socializing with people as well as pets. They are also extremely curious and will want to follow you from room to room. Quite supportive in nature, the Savannah cat loves to provide companionship, which makes them ideal for therapy cats. Not only do Savannahs play well with children, they are always happy to make new friends.
Brief History
The first Savannah cat was born in the 1980s as the result of crossbreeding between an African Serval and a domestic cat. The successful crossbreed was performed by Patrick Kelly and Joyce Sroufe. The African Serval was further outcrossed with cat breeds such as Bengals, Oriental Shorthairs and Egyptian Maus. This led to a widespread establishment and acceptance of the breed. Savannah cats began getting registered by the International Cat Association (ICA) in 2001. The breed attained Championship status or full recognition in 2012.
Physical Features
The most noticeable characteristic of the Savannah cat is their beautiful, spotted coat. Their fur has a light brown shade and is covered in black spots. As a result, they have a distinctive cheetah-like appearance. Their ears are deep, large and face forward in a sonar-like way. Their eyes are big and golden. The Savannah cat has a pink nose and long white whiskers. An outstanding feature of the Savannah cat is their long legs. Thanks to this characteristic, this breed has held the Guinness Book of World Record for tallest domestic cat since 2006. They have long tails and an intelligent expression.
Average Height:
8-15 inches
Average Weight:
12-25 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-20 years
The Savannah is devoted to their owner or family. As a result, many people regard the Savannah cat as being a feline version of a dog. They enjoys social interaction. If left alone for long periods of time, Savannahs will pout and begin to experience separation anxiety. Their attitude is kitten-like throughout their lives. Savannahs also enjoys being involved in family or group activities. This makes the Savannah an ideal family cat.
savannah cat
Special Needs
The Savannah has quite a lot of energy and needs a structured way of exercising. The Savannah is also an intelligent breed that can understand and obey simple commands. Also, they can learn how to use a scratching pole and which sections of the house to avoid. Housetraining the Savannah can be performed in a short period of time. This is possible as long as you use positive reinforcement throughout the process.
The Savannah still has hunting and territorial instincts. So they will be protective or even aggressive around other pets. This means that they should be introduced to other animals gradually until they can be friends.
Possible Health Concerns
The Savannah is a healthy and strong cat that can suffer from some genetic diseases and adverse conditions. The Savannah can be infertile due to genetic predisposition. They may also have low levels of fertility resulting in 1 to 3 kittens per litter. The Savannah may also be very selective in picking out mates. This is because they prefer to procreate with cats that they’ve grown up with from kittenhood.
The Savannah cat has a high level of energy. They will prance around your house and enjoys chasing birds for leisure. To control these energy levels, some exercise is required. This can be achieved by engaging the cat in sessions that involve walks, jogs or brisk runs. This can be done 2 times a day for 30 minutes each. Intense play sessions can also be great exercise for this cat. They require both physical and mental stimulation. This is because the Savannah is an intelligent cat. Puzzle games and toys are most welcome for this cat.
The Savannah cat requires a balanced diet. Their large size prompts generous portions per serving, but they are not picky eaters. The Savannah will gladly chow down on wet food or dry kibble. Their nutritional needs require that they consume more carbohydrates than any other food group. This is so that they can sustain their high energy levels. Savannah cats grow quickly. This warrants ample protein as well. They can be fed twice a day in the morning and the evening. Cool, clean water needs to be provided throughout the day.
Savannah cats’ fur is short and thick. To keep it healthy and smooth, they need regular brushing at least once a day.
Their teeth and ears also need cleaning three times every week. They may produce some discharge on the inner tips of their eyes which needs to be cleaned off as soon as it emerges. Their ears are large and open which makes them collect dirt and debris quite easily. They can be cleaned at least two times every week using a special solution made of 50% cider vinegar and 50% water.
The Savannah is an interesting, beautiful cat. They are dedicated and their loyalty makes them an excellent therapy cat.
savannah cat breed