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Can Dogs Spread the Ebola Virus?
No one knows for sure. Out of an abundance of caution, authorities euthanized the pet dog of a Spanish Nursing assistant after she contracted the Ebola virus while caring for a patient in Spain.
The Arabian Mau was developed from an ancient desert cat that occurred naturally in the Arabian Peninsula. Although it is now commonplace as a house pet in its region of origin, the Arabian Mau cat has only gained recognition by a single breed organization, the German World Cat Federation.
Brief History
Descended from the African wild cat that lived in Middle Eastern deserts in regions throughout Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, the Arabian Mau is one of the oldest cat breeds. Its lineage goes back a thousand years, combining genes with the Egyptian Mau and providing companionship and service to man perhaps as far back as the days of the pyramids.
Although this cat is acclimated to desert life, wild cats of the harsh and sandy elements had challenging daily searches for food. It was natural for them to frequent villages for easy pickings. From there, like cats domesticated in other parts of the world and worked their way from the alley to the hearth.
After centuries of life as a house cat, the Arabian desert cat was noticed by the director of the Middle East Cat Society, Petra Muller. She gave the cat its name, the Arabian Mau, and began arranging a breeding program. She presented the breed at the Annual General Meeting in 2008, where it was recognized as a pedigreed feline. The following year, it was admitted into cat shows and given formal breed recognition.
Physical Features
The Arabian Mau is a medium-sized cat with long legs and a tapered tail. They are most famous for their ears, which are noticeably large. Their single coats of hair are smooth and glossy and appears in three shades: tabby, bicolor and white.
Average Height:
12-14 inches
Average Weight:
8-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The Arabian Mau is an athlete with a high prey drive. You will not have to worry about mice thriving in your house. Although, because this cat is loyal and devoted, you may find one on your pillow as a gift.
Arabian mau
Special Needs
The Arabian Mau plays vigorously and needs quality interaction with its people. It would be best served with thirty minutes of active play a day.
Possible Health Concerns
The Bombay is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
Thanks to its long history as an evolving desert cat, the Arabian Mau has no known health issues. But like all cats, it will need a good diet and exercise program to maintain its vitality and prolong its life.
Being an active desert cat, the Arabian Mau will need plenty of exercise. Giving this cat a buddy is one good way to accomplish this.
Like with any indoor cat, the owner should be sure not to overfeed. However, many cats are self-regulating, and highly-active breeds may have the metabolism to burn off whatever they take in. An Arabian Mau is one cat that is not prone to obesity.
The Arabian Mau benefits from a grooming session with a soft brush every couple of days to whisk away any loose hair and distribute the natural oils throughout the coat. As grooming goes, this cat is fairly low-maintenance.
The Arabian Mau is a good choice for people who are looking for a lively, family-friendly sturdy cat with few health issues.
How to Keep Different Types of Pet Spiders
Although not for everyone, many children and adults enjoy raising spiders, also known as arachnids, as pets. Pet tarantulas and wolf spider pets are interesting to observe and are the two most popular types of spiders kept as pets.
Sounds of the Animals Around the World
There are close to 9 million species of animals on the planet. Many of these animals make distinct noises which can be interesting and fun to hear.
All About Horses
Loved by many, horses and humans have enjoyed a strong bond which dates back to ancient times. At first horses were hunted, but humans learned to tame and ride them. From there the horse helped transform how people got around and worked, being one of the primary forms of land transportation until the car came into popularity.
Training a dog can be both a highly rewarding and completely frustrating endeavor. Far too often, new dog owners stumble through training their pooch, then give up after a major setback.
The foxy-faced, spunky Pomeranian has the corner on cute. But did you know they were originally bred to pull a sled? This tiny puff of fluff is royalty’s choice of lap dog, but their surprising background belies their petite and carefully-coiffed appearance.
Brief History
The Pomeranian is a descendant of the Spitz, the ancestors of today’s huskies and other sled dogs. The breed’s name comes from the region of Germany and Poland which was, in ancient times, known as Pomerania.
In the mid-1900’s, the Pomeranian was introduced to England. Back then, it weighed around 30 pounds and was most likely white in color. Canine historians think it probably descended from the Deutscher Spitz. It had pragmatic uses, including pulling sleds and herding sheep.
In 1870, the Pomeranian gained recognition through The English Kennel Club. But the breed earned its popularity boom when Queen Victoria took a fancy to it. She imported a Pomeranian from Italy, a red-coated dog named Marco. She became quite passionate about her dogs, who became beloved travel companions, and she maintained her own breeding kennel. She even exhibited her dogs at the famous Crufts Dog Show in London when it opened in 1891.
Thanks to the royal endorsement, the breed was exhibited in dog shows in the United States under the American Kennel Club’s Miscellaneous Class the following year. Eight years later, it earned a regular classification. It was accepted in various colors. The trend of miniaturizing the Pomeranian continued, and it was selectively bred to have a bigger coat and a “puff ball” appearance.
Physical Features
According to the AKC breed standard, the Pomeranian is “long a favorite of royals and commoners alike [and] has been called the ideal companion. The glorious coat, smiling, foxy face, and vivacious personality have helped make the Pom one of the world’s most popular toy breeds.”
The AKC recognizes nearly two dozen color patterns, the most common being orange or red.
Although it is descended from northern sled dogs, the Pomeranian is recognized as a toy breed.
Average Height:
6 to 7 inches
Average Weight:
3 to 7 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12 to 16 years
The Pomeranian is inquisitive, bold, and lively.
Special Needs
With a thick double coat, the Pomeranian needs regular brushing to keep clean and free of mats. His undercoat will typically shed heavily twice a year. Like many toy dogs, he can be prone to obesity and needs his diet monitored carefully, as well as given a daily dose of exercise. Unless the Pom is raised with children, he generally does not do well with them. Being a petite toy breed, he can be fragile, and care must be taken to avoid injury.
Possible Health Concerns
Pomeranians can be prone to the following:
Patellar luxation
Dental disease
Tracheal collapse
Patellar luxation
Patent ductus arteriosus
Although all dogs benefit from some outdoor time to sniff around and enjoy a leash walk, Pomeranians require a moderate amount of exercise. They do well in apartments and can thrive on an outdoor jaunt a couple of times a day with a game of fetch.
A Pomeranian’s diet should be maintained to avoid overfeeding. He will thrive on quality kibble, with extras such as meat or fish and steamed vegetables.
Pomeranians are ideal companions for a quiet home, and most of them thrive in a lap-dog lifestyle. Once he settles into your lap, it won’t be long before he finds a secure place in your heart.
There’s nothing more upsetting than seeing a family member unwell, and cats and dogs are no exception. However, gastrointestinal upset will happen from time to time as part of an active pet’s natural life.