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The Miniature Pinscher has been around for hundreds of years and is even older than the Doberman, though not related. It is believed that the Min-Pin was originally breed to be a ratter, but quickly became one of Europe’s favorite Toy dog breeds. Their quirky natures also make them very popular in the U.S.
Brief History
The Miniature Pinscher was bred around 1895 and is a part of the AKC/UKC, Toy Dog Group. Historians believe that the Min-Pin is a cross of the Dachshund and the Italian Greyhound. The German Pinscher was also crossed in at some point, though WWI slowed its development. Once the war concluded, German dog breeders and dog fanciers continued breeding the Miniature Pinscher. The Min-Pin arrived in the U.S in the 1920’s. Although the Min-Pin is a small dog breed, they make highly capable watch dogs.
Physical Features
The Min-Pin is a well-balanced, sturdy, and small dog breed. This dog breed has a compact and muscular wedge-shaped body. With a narrow, tapering head and a flat skull, the Min-Pin has a strong muzzle. Their heads are well-balanced with a black nose. Chocolate-colored Min-Pins typically have a brown nose to match. This pup’s eyes are alert, oval-shaped and so brown that they’re almost black. Ears may be cropped or natural. The Min-Pin has a short, smooth and straight coat. Coloring is either red, stag red (red with black mixed in), black with rust markings, or chocolate with rust markings.
The Min-Pin always looks well-groomed. This dog breed has a hackney-type movement that is high-reaching, and a free and easy gait. The tail and head are always carried high. The Min-Pin has total self-confidence, and is also a fearless, athletic dog breed.
Average Height:
10-12 inches
Average Weight:
8-10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
miniature pinscher
The vigorous and fearless Miniature Pinscher is a proud, alert, and well-groomed breed. They typically are extremely confident with tremendous spirit and may seem arrogant to other dogs. This breed may be wary of strangers and is sometimes aggressive with other dogs.
The Min-Pin will be combative if provoked. This dog breed does well with positive dog training and socialization starting at puppyhood. That said, dog parents need to protect this super confident little guy from larger dogs.
The Min-Pin does well with apartment living. Additionally, this spirited dog breed enjoys being indulged, and is very popular when visiting bookstores and cafes. The Min-Pin does well with all the attention he gets when out and about. They make spirited, loyal family additions.
Special Needs
The Min-Pin makes a wonderful active and alert companion dog, but definitely needs plenty of socialization starting the first four weeks of puppyhood. They may occasionally have aggressive tendencies towards strangers and other animals, so the sooner this breed starts with socialization and positive training, the better. Although you may think that because this dog breed is small, this is a laid back dog breed, keep in mind that the Min-Pin’s original purpose was for ratting. This dog breed is amenable to city living, but must have daily walks and trips to the local dog park. The Min-Pin often makes for a wonderful travel companion. This breed should always be supervised around children, as they tend to be short-tempered.
Min-Pin pups that have been socialized early tend to be more relaxed later on in life in different environmental situations. They also are more tolerant of children, other animals, and people. The more socialization and positive training your Min-Pin gets, the nicer they’ll be.
Children should also learn not to disturb the Min-Pin when eating, not to carry him around or be aggressive. This dog breed generally prefers adults to children and does well with a relaxed environment. That said, the Min-Pin is prone to separation anxiety when left alone. This breed may also be difficult to housetrain, especially male Min-Pins.
The Min-Pin has a high prey drive and may be possessive over food and dog toys. They love affection and benefit from a lot of TLC.
Possible Health Concerns
Cervical Dry Disk: This is a common neurological problem found in Min-Pins. Cervical disk disease results in the loss of flexibility in the intervertebral disk. The discs no longer act as shock absorbers. Symptoms include stiff head and neck, severe muscle spasms and possible paralysis.
Patellar Luxation: This is typically congenital in Toy breeds like the Min-Pin, and may occur at the same time as other limb abnormalities. It is caused by the abnormal development of the kneecap(patella). X-rays will aid in seeing the severity of the displacement.
Legg-Calve- Perthes Disease: This is the deterioration of the top of the femur (femoral head), and is seen in Toy and smaller dog breeds. It is characterized by a lack of blood supply, and the destruction of blood vessels of the bone. Some symptoms may include hindlimb lameness, loss of muscle in the thighs, and pain when moving the hip joint. Treatment involves surgery.
Epilepsy: This is an inherited disease that causes seizures.
Hypothyroidism a deficiency of the thyroid hormone and can cause weight gain in dogs, as well as constipation and cold sensitivity. Treatment typically involves thyroid hormone supplementation.
Canine Mucopolysaccaridoses: The Min-Pin is especially prone to this. It is a group of metabolic disorders that are caused by an accumulation of glycosaminoglycans or mucopolysaccharides. Symptoms may include severe bone disease, dwarfism, degenerative joint disease, and eye cloudiness.
The Miniature Pinscher is a sturdy and headstrong little fellow and needs to be walked regularly to avoid cabin fever. This breed tends to bark a lot, and will become demanding if he’s left alone too often. That said, this breed learns very fast, so don’t let bad habits set in. The Min-Pin does well with frequent visits to the dog park and running off leash.
If this breed is not exercised properly, it may become aggressive and very rowdy. Long hikes, walks, canine surfing, and obedience classes are great for this loyal and alert pup. The Mini-Pin wants nothing more than to be with their pet parent.
The Min-Pin does well on a high-quality dog food. If you’re opting for home-prepared dog food, consult with your veterinarian first. All dog food diets should have the approval of a veterinarian. Smaller dog breeds tend to pick up weight easily and are prone to being overweight.
The Lagotto Romagnolo
The Min-Pin is a low maintenance dog breed with minimal grooming required. Daily combing with a soft brush is all that’s needed. Consult with your veterinarian as to the healthiest flea and tick products. Your Min-Pin will need to be bathed weekly. With so many natural dog shampoos and conditioners available today, make sure that you use one that is appropriate for your Min-Pin’s skin and coat. Tearless shampoos work well. Some sensitive Min-Pin’s may not do well with scented products and may only be able to tolerate hypoallergenic products.
Min-Pin’s require monthly pedicures. If you’re not comfortable doing this, consult with a professional dog groomer or veterinarian. The Min-Pin’s ears also need to be regularly cleaned. This can be done by wiping a cotton ball or canine wipe, moistened with a canine ear cleaner, inside the ear. To prevent chronic gum disease, brush your Min-Pin’s teeth every morning. Professional dental cleanings are recommended twice a year.
The Burmese originated from Thailand, near the Thai-Burma border. This cat breed was then developed in the U.K, and in the U.S. In 1871, Harrison Weir had a cat show at the Crystal Palace where two Siamese cats were shown. Both resembled the Burmese cat breed as it is today. It is almost similar to the Tonkinese cat breed. Dr. Cheeseman Thompson imported a cat called Wong Mau into San Francisco in 1930. This cat was a brown female cat that was different in build to the Siamese, and could be classified as a separate breed.
Brief History
The Burmese cat breed is believed to be related to a female Tonkinese cat called Wong Mau. This cat was imported in to the U.S in 1930, and in turn was bred with the American Siamese cat called Tai Mau, a sealpoint Siamese. The kittens were dark brown. U.S cat breeders then developed a breed standard that was different from the Burmese one. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) recognized this breed in 1936. The CFA then suspended breed recognition a decade later due to extensive Siamese outcrossing. By 1954, the CFA lifted the suspension, and by 1958, the United Burmese Cat Fanciers (UBCF) set forth an American judging standard which still stands today.
Today, most modern cat registries do not recognize the two cat breeds as different breeds. The British breed is known as the European Burmese. The first Burmese cats were dark brown. Today, the Burmese comes in numerous colors. The Burmese is well known for its playful and social temperament. They are also very vocal.
Physical Features
The Burmese has two breed standards in which both head and body shape differs. The British (traditional Burmese) cat breed has a body that is slender, long-bodied, with a wedge-shaped head. The ears are large and pointed. The muzzle is long and tapering. The eyes are moderately almond-shaped. The eye color is gold or yellow. The legs are long, and the paws are oval. With a tapering tail of medium length, the British Burmese cat breed is a small to medium cat breed that is muscular and heavy. They are also silky soft when touched.
The American Burmese cat breed has a stockier build, with a much larger head, round eyes, and a much shorter, and flatter muzzle. The ears are also set wider apart, with the legs and tail proportionate to the body. In both breed standards, the breed is a muscular breed that is thicker in build, and heavy when picked up. The coat is thick and shiny, and looks like satin. Blue Burmese will have a medium colored blue coat. The nose and paw pads will be slate grey. Champagne colored Burmese will yield a honey beige coat color. The nose is brown and the paw pads pinkish, brown color. Platinum Burmese will be a silvery grey color. The nose and paw pads will be pinkish, lavender in color.
Average Height:
10-12 inches
Average Weight:
6-10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
The Burmese loves to gaze and admire the outdoors. This cat breed is laid back and fun. They adore affection, plenty of interactive cat toys, and cat trees with perches. These cats are great climbers that can be leash trained easily. This is an outgoing cat breed that delights in making new friends. They get on well with people, other animals that are not aggressive, and gentle children.
The Burmese loves to play, and will follow you for attention. An assortment of interactive cat toys is recommended for this cat breed. They enjoy being around family, and do not do well being alone all day. They are a one-person cat breed that bond closely with their pet parent. The Burmese is vocal, and are known to be persistent when trying to get your attention. This very intelligent and affectionate cat breed does well with apartment and indoor living. The Burmese may be prone to feline depression and anxiety if left alone for long periods of time. This cat breed does well with plenty of TLC! They do well with active families, and other pets.
Burmese cat
Possible Health Concerns
Gingivitis: With gingivitis, the gums will become inflamed because of plaque. By daily tooth brushing, dietary changes, using a plaque prevention gel, and oral rinses, you’ll be helping your cat.
Psychogenic Alopecia: This is when there is abnormal hair loss that is caused from excessive grooming. It may result from cat’s being stressed from other cats, dogs or people.
Cherry Eye (Eyelid Protrusion): This is a disorder of the third eyelid, resulting in swollen redness of the eye. It is more common in Persian- related cat breeds.
Cleft Palate: The Burmese may be prone to this birth defect. This is due to the palate bones not diffusing. Kittens will be unable to nurse if born with this defect.
Vestibular Disease: This is caused by a congenital abnormality. It may also result from trauma inside your cat’s ear. It may be caused by cancer or certain infections. It affects the nervous system in cats, and causes a lack of coordination.
Your Burmese will scratch for numerous reasons, such as stretching and exercising their toes, shedding the dead outer layer of their claws, and to mark their territory. Free-standing scratchers are ideal for the Burmese, as well as cat condos that have designated scratching posts.
The Burmese cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people.
This cat breed is an intelligent and very affectionate cat breed that does well in most cat friendly environments. They still need to play and interact with people, and should not be left alone all day.
The Burmese needs daily grooming to remove shedding or dead hair. Because this breed has a short and fine, soft coat, grooming is easy. Stainless steel combs help to remove dead hair. Care must be taken when grooming leg hair and body hair to avoid sensitive areas. Some cats have very sensitive areas along their backs, legs, and belly area. Curry brushes help with grooming, and will remove dead hair and debris from your cat’s coat.
With their intelligence and fun personalities, this vocal cat breed has plenty of attitude.
True to their name, the Japanese Bobtail is a playful breed with a short tail that resembles a pom-pom. According to ancient Japanese legend, the bob-tail is as a result of a cat that set her tail on fire while sleeping. The frightened kitty reacted by running, and accidentally set the town on fire. The truth behind the cat’s short tail stems from natural genetics. Generally, Bobtails are people-oriented, full of energy and extremely endearing. They adjust well to dogs and other animals.
Brief History
The Japanese Bobtail has existed in Japan for centuries. It is even depicted in ancient prints and paintings from Japan.
The Bobtail didn’t arrive in America until 1968 when Elizabeth Freret imported a number of kittens from Japan. This was recorded by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). This is the world’s largest registry of pedigreed cats. Around the same time, another cat breeder named Lynn Beck, visited Japan and began importing Bobtails.
In 1976, the CFA accepted the breed for championship status. A few years down the line, the same organization gave recognition to a long-haired version of the Japanese Bobtail.
Physical Features
The Japanese Bobtail is a medium-sized cat with a muscular appearance. This is attributed by its slightly longer hind legs and medium-sized bodies. Their eyes are wide, large and alert while the eyeballs feature a shallow curvature that doesn’t bulge beyond the cheek bone. The eye color ranges from gold, blue to green. Japanese Bobtails have a wide range of colors and patterns. Preference is usually given to bold, dramatic markings. The tail is visibly short and it may be rigid or flexible. The hair on the tail is somewhat thicker and longer. Their bone structure is slender and dainty.
Average Height:
8-14 inches
Average Weight:
6-10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
15-18 years
Japanese Bobtails are sweet, active and intelligent cats. They enjoy games like fetch, and highly developed muscles also allow them to jump hurdles and heights. Bobtails are also people-oriented, which makes them ideal companions. They tend to get along fairly well with most cat breeds and adjust well with dogs.
Japanese Bobtails are inquisitive in nature.
Possible Health Concerns
If well maintained, the Japanese Bobtail is healthy and strong. Despite this, they can suffer from a collection of adverse health conditions such as obesity. They can also suffer from periodontal disease. Japanese Bobtails are susceptible to viral infections like rabies, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia. These infections are preventable through vaccination. This breed may also suffer infestation by parasites like hookworms, roundworms, whipworms and heartworms. It is important for the cat to undergo regular visits to the vet in order to avoid such health problems.
Since they are quite active, they will require regular exercise. This is also for the purpose of maintaining healthy weight and lifestyle. 30 minutes of a brisk jog or playtime twice a day is enough for this cat.
Taking care of the Japanese Bobtail is quite easy. This short-tailed feline will require frequent combing. For weekly removal of dead hair, it is best to use a flea comb. Their silky coat is water resistant which means that they rarely need a bath. It is important to note that some Bobtails have rigid tails so you should make sure you handle their tails gently when grooming.
The Japanese Bobtail thrives in environments where it is surrounded by adventurous and lively people. They are quite playful and provide great company along with adorable looks. This beautiful exotic cat has a warm personality and can be an excellent family cat.
The Brittany, also known as the Brittany Spaniel, first originated in Brittany, France during the mid-nineteenth century. This breed was a cross of French Spaniels and English Setters, hence their wonderful gentle temperament.
Brief History
This breed was developed by French hunters in Brittany, France. At the time, medieval poachers and peasants wanted an all-purpose dog breed. It became popular in the U.S during the 1930’s and today is considered one of the most sought-after hunting dogs.
This breed was registered with the AKC in 1934 as a Brittany Spaniel and is still known in France under that name. However, during the 20th century, the British and French lines merged. This led to the Brittany’s in the U.S working game by pointing like a Setter. This breed also stands higher on its legs than the Spaniel. In 1982, the AKC shortened the Brittany Spaniel’s name to the Brittany. Today they are one of the most popular field dog breeds in the U.S.
the brittany dog breed
Physical Features
The Brittany is an athletic and compact medium-sized breed. They have short, high-set triangular drop ears with a fawn, tan, brown, or deep pink nose. With dark, deep-set affectionate eyes, this breed can be tailless or have a docked tail to about 4 inches.
The Brittany is an agile breed that can cover lots of ground. They are strong, fast, friendly and intelligent. Their coats are flat, wavy or dense with neither a wiry or silky feel. Front and hind legs have feathering with skin that is fine and slightly loose. Coat color ranges from orange and white to black and white.
Average Height:
17.5-20.5 inches
Average Weight:
30-40 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-14 years
This is a good-natured dog breed. This dog is gentle, good-natured, active and fun to be around. They are easily trainable and love dog sports that involve agility like flyball and dock diving.
The Brittany makes for a wonderful active and outdoor family dog. They are gentle companions and are great with children. That said, a well-socialized and positively-trained Brittany does best in homes with large backyards and plenty of space to run off-leash. Pet parents need to keep in mind that this breed needs plenty of exercise and should participate in organized canine sporting activities when possible.
Special Needs
This good-natured dog needs plenty of exercise and a job to do. Positive dog training and canine sports are a must to keep this wonderful breed happy and healthy! The Brittany was bred to hunt, so long hikes in the woods are ideal. On-leash daily runs with pet parents will also satisfy the healthy and active lifestyle they crave. Unfortunately, apartment living is not preferable!
Possible Health Concerns
Ear Infections – These take place when yeast or bacteria levels in the ear get out of proportion. A dog’s outer ear is most likely to get infected due to exposure to dirt, sweat and possibly foreign objects. Brittany’s are prone to ear infections because of moisture retained in the ear from swimming. Ears should be checked and dried daily.
Retinal Detachment – This occurs when the retina becomes detached and is separated from the back of the eye. Part of the blood supply to the eye is also restricted and the eye is prevented from functioning properly. In the Brittany, retinal disorders are hereditary and presented at birth.
Hip Dysplasia – This is an abnormal development of the hip joint in large dog breeds. It is generally characterized by a loose joint which leads to degenerative joint disease. Excessive growth, types of exercise, nutritional and hereditary factors all come in to play with hip dysplasia.
The Brittany needs plenty of regular exercise. This breed is not only intelligent, but also active. Pet parents need to organize stimulating hikes, trips to the dog beach or dog park, dog training classes, agility classes, and other mentally stimulating activities for their furry family member.
Positive puppy training classes should commence during puppyhood so that socialization begins early.
Pet parents should never underestimate the importance of a well-balanced diet.
Assess your dog’s activity level, age, breed, and any medical conditions that they may be prone to. Consulting with your veterinarian about the best high-quality food options will help to give your Brittany a longer and healthier life.
The Brittany has a short flat or wavy coat and does not require heavy grooming. As with all breeds, daily grooming with a soft brush or hound glove is necessary. They may need some light clipping done around the neck and head for showing purposes. Daily toothbrushing, ear cleaning, and regular nail trimming are a must.
This dog is best suited to active and outdoorsy pet parents.
The breed does well in both rural and suburban environments and thrives with jobs. The Brittany does not do well being left alone at home all day. This breed is affectionate and loves to be around people. That means family outings too. Plenty of trips to the dog park and exploring.
Originating from Tibet, Tibetan Terriers are a medium-sized dog breed in the working group. They are so called “terriers” but have no relation to the terrier group of hounds. However, due to their remarkable resemblance to terriers, European travelers included the breed in their name. In Tibet, this dog is called Tsang Apso (shaggy or bearded) dog or Dokhi Apso meaning outdoor dog.
Brief History
Tibetan terriers have lived for thousands of years in the area that we now know as Tibet. Various DNA tests revealed that these dogs may have descended from various ancient breeds. In centuries past, Tibetans bred these dogs as good luck charms, companions, mascots, and herding dogs. Often known as holy dogs in Tibet, they were sometimes considered a rarity and were never sold, but raised by monks to be given as gifts. Living in Tibet which was a geographically isolated region, Tibetan terriers managed to stay as a purebred dog for more than 2000 years. In 1922, an English doctor brought the first Tibetan terrier to Europe. This was a white and gold female puppy. She later acquired a male Tibetan and with this couple as foundation stock, began breeding them in her then established kennel.
The first litter born to these dogs was in 1924, these puppies assumed the name Lhasa terriers. It was in 1930 when the Kennel Club of India changed the name Lhasa Terriers to Tibetan Terriers. In 1956, Dr. Henry and Mrs. Alice Murphy brought the first Tibetans to the US and in1973 the AKC recognized this breed placing it under the non-sporting group.
tibetan terrier
Physical Features
Tibetan Terriers are medium-sized with a powerful build and profuse coat. Their hairs are long and tend to cover their face, eyes, and sometimes mouth. The Tibetan’s body is square in proportion with large round feet that lie flat on the ground. Their tails are well feathered with an upward curl that allows it to fall forward over the back.
Average Height:
14-17 inches
Average Weight:
18-30 pounds
Life Expectancy:
15-16 years
Tibetans are known for their loyal and affectionate charm which makes them good family pets. They are also intelligent, capable dogs with a strong helper drive. Tibetan terriers are sensitive and gentle to both adults and children.
Special Needs
With strangers or strange environments, Tibetans tend to be reserved. Owners need to exercise patience while introducing them to people and places they don’t know. Early socialization is required for them to grow into obedient and well-mannered pets. Due to their clever, steadfast and determined natures, some Tibetans tend to be stubborn. They also make excellent guard dogs.
Possible Health Concerns
Tibetans are a hardy and healthy breed, however, they tend to succumb to western canine diseases due to environmental changes and other bearing aspects such as the lifestyle they were used to in their country of origin. Early neutering and spaying may expose this breed to joint issues. In fact, many breeders suggest that owners wait until these dogs reach maturity. Occasionally, older Tibetans may suffer from vestibular disease. Although fatal, they may recover from it if dealt with during its early stages. Canine cancers also remain of concern to aging Tibetans.
tibetan terrier puppy
The Tibetan terrier is an outdoor dog and enjoy daily walks with their family. Plan to fit in at least 30 minutes of exercise time a day to make sure your Tibetan stays at a healthy weight and is mentally stimulated.
A Tibetan’s double coat is adaptable in everyday life. The undercoat is woolen and acts as a natural insulator and water resistor. Coat textures may vary from soft to hard and they may or may not be susceptible to matting. Grooming the Tibetans ample coat should be a regular activity, perhaps trimming it to a manageable length or just hand stripping any dead or loose hair. As they tend to chew their food, owners should ensure that they clean their dog’s teeth once a week to keep them healthy and clean.
Tibetan Terriers have a versatile, friendly and intelligent nature. They make loving and loyal family companions.
tibetan terrier breed
The American Curl is a sweet cat that has an interesting appearance and jovial attitude. This cat is active and will gladly participate in collective activities. Due to their dedication to their owners, the American Curl is a great therapy cat.
Brief History
The American Curl has a colorful history. Their origin is traced back to a single stray kitten that walked into the Lakewood California home of Joe and Grace Ruga in the early 1980s. She had long black fur and little ears that curled backwards. The Rugas noticed that the cat was very calm and timid.
She delivered 4 kittens soon afterwards from an unknown father. Two of the kittens had the same curled ears. Neighbors took note and the Rugas took their cat and her kittens to cat shows in the state. This led to widespread interest in the cat and the American Curl was born. A geneticist indicated that the curled ears were caused by a dominant gene.
In 1983, cat fanciers began to selectively breed the American Curl. In 1986, the new breed was registered by the Cat Fanciers Association. The International Cat Association recognized the breed in 1987. All American Curl cats in the world are descended from the first cat.
Physical Features
The most noticeable feature of the American Curl is their curled ears. While they are born with straight ears, they curl in the first 2 to 10 days after they are born. By the time a kitten is 4 months old, the ears will have permanently curled. They maintain this shape for the rest of their lives. Interestingly, American Curls can move their ears back and forth. When they are alert, the ears face forward. At other times, they face sideways.
The American Curl has a sweet appearance and a stocky, muscular body. Their coats are silky and long. They can have a variety of colors such as brown, white, black, grey and roan. They can also have patterns. Examples of these are tortoiseshell, tiger stripes, patches and smoky patterns.
Average Height:
8 to 12 inches
Average Weight:
5 to 10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12 to 16 years
The American Curl is a sweet cat. They readily greets you with a cheek rub and also takes well to guests and will extend a welcome to them too. They enjoy the company of children and is very sweet towards them. The American Curl is amicable and can live comfortably with dogs that are friendly towards cats. This cat is curious and intelligent and will follow you around the home so as to see what you are up to. The American Curl will also help out whenever required. They are known for being able to jump extremely long distances. As such, they are sometimes described to be flying. This causes the breed to be fondly known as Peter Pan.
Seeing as she is very intelligent, the American Curl can open doorknobs and drawers. After a day of high activity, the American Curl will relax into your lap for a nap.
Special Needs
The American Curl is an active cat that requires specialized training so as to harness its energy in the right way. The American Curl can be taught how to walk on a leash. They can also be taught how to fetch or play catch. Since they like spending time outdoors climbing around, extra care should be taken to ensure they do not get injured or lose their way.
Possible Health Concerns
If maintained properly, the American Curl is a healthy cat breed. They are stronger than most other cat breeds and are not susceptible to many illness or adverse conditions. The only real problem they are prone to is wax buildup in their narrow ear canals. Consult with your vet for treatment.
The American Curls require ample exercise perhaps two sessions of exercise each lasting 30 minutes. The cat is also versatile and can handle exercise activities of various types. They enjoy playing with children and active session of exercise by play is ideal for the cat. They can also go on a jog around the block with you. You can train the American Curl to walk on a leash.
American Curls expend a lot of energy on a daily basis so their food should promote energy retention and growth. It should have equal portions of protein and carbohydrates. A bowl of cool, clean water is also an important part of their daily nutrition. American Curl cats are not fussy eaters and will consume wet or dry food with equal enthusiasm.
A notable feature of the American Curl is their beautiful, long coats which should be brushed once every week. This is so as to eliminate any dead hair and prevent matting. Their teeth and nails should also be clipped regularly.
The American Curl can fit comfortably in apartments as well as larger houses. They are a loving, affectionate breed and will gladly rub against you or your guests. They are a
Having both a dog and a cat at home isn’t unusual. They are two creatures that can live in harmony together. Pet owners do the same for both as far as caring for them goes. They provide them with food, shelter, and water. Cats and dogs still share a few obvious differences… and not just their size. Here are five ways having dogs is different from having cats.
11 Photos of Maine Coon Cats That Prove They’re the Fierce Rulers of the Cat World
Maine Coons are known as “gentle giants” or the “dogs of the cat world” because of their playful personalities and large size. They’re a favorite of the Veterinarians.com team and also our community. With their big statures and regal manner, it makes sense how well liked they are!