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The Burmese originated from Thailand, near the Thai-Burma border. This cat breed was then developed in the U.K, and in the U.S. In 1871, Harrison Weir had a cat show at the Crystal Palace where two Siamese cats were shown. Both resembled the Burmese cat breed as it is today. It is almost similar to the Tonkinese cat breed. Dr. Cheeseman Thompson imported a cat called Wong Mau into San Francisco in 1930. This cat was a brown female cat that was different in build to the Siamese, and could be classified as a separate breed.
Brief History
The Burmese cat breed is believed to be related to a female Tonkinese cat called Wong Mau. This cat was imported in to the U.S in 1930, and in turn was bred with the American Siamese cat called Tai Mau, a sealpoint Siamese. The kittens were dark brown. U.S cat breeders then developed a breed standard that was different from the Burmese one. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) recognized this breed in 1936. The CFA then suspended breed recognition a decade later due to extensive Siamese outcrossing. By 1954, the CFA lifted the suspension, and by 1958, the United Burmese Cat Fanciers (UBCF) set forth an American judging standard which still stands today.
Today, most modern cat registries do not recognize the two cat breeds as different breeds. The British breed is known as the European Burmese. The first Burmese cats were dark brown. Today, the Burmese comes in numerous colors. The Burmese is well known for its playful and social temperament. They are also very vocal.
Physical Features
The Burmese has two breed standards in which both head and body shape differs. The British (traditional Burmese) cat breed has a body that is slender, long-bodied, with a wedge-shaped head. The ears are large and pointed. The muzzle is long and tapering. The eyes are moderately almond-shaped. The eye color is gold or yellow. The legs are long, and the paws are oval. With a tapering tail of medium length, the British Burmese cat breed is a small to medium cat breed that is muscular and heavy. They are also silky soft when touched.
The American Burmese cat breed has a stockier build, with a much larger head, round eyes, and a much shorter, and flatter muzzle. The ears are also set wider apart, with the legs and tail proportionate to the body. In both breed standards, the breed is a muscular breed that is thicker in build, and heavy when picked up. The coat is thick and shiny, and looks like satin. Blue Burmese will have a medium colored blue coat. The nose and paw pads will be slate grey. Champagne colored Burmese will yield a honey beige coat color. The nose is brown and the paw pads pinkish, brown color. Platinum Burmese will be a silvery grey color. The nose and paw pads will be pinkish, lavender in color.
Average Height:
10-12 inches
Average Weight:
6-10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
The Burmese loves to gaze and admire the outdoors. This cat breed is laid back and fun. They adore affection, plenty of interactive cat toys, and cat trees with perches. These cats are great climbers that can be leash trained easily. This is an outgoing cat breed that delights in making new friends. They get on well with people, other animals that are not aggressive, and gentle children.
The Burmese loves to play, and will follow you for attention. An assortment of interactive cat toys is recommended for this cat breed. They enjoy being around family, and do not do well being alone all day. They are a one-person cat breed that bond closely with their pet parent. The Burmese is vocal, and are known to be persistent when trying to get your attention. This very intelligent and affectionate cat breed does well with apartment and indoor living. The Burmese may be prone to feline depression and anxiety if left alone for long periods of time. This cat breed does well with plenty of TLC! They do well with active families, and other pets.
Burmese cat
Possible Health Concerns
Gingivitis: With gingivitis, the gums will become inflamed because of plaque. By daily tooth brushing, dietary changes, using a plaque prevention gel, and oral rinses, you’ll be helping your cat.
Psychogenic Alopecia: This is when there is abnormal hair loss that is caused from excessive grooming. It may result from cat’s being stressed from other cats, dogs or people.
Cherry Eye (Eyelid Protrusion): This is a disorder of the third eyelid, resulting in swollen redness of the eye. It is more common in Persian- related cat breeds.
Cleft Palate: The Burmese may be prone to this birth defect. This is due to the palate bones not diffusing. Kittens will be unable to nurse if born with this defect.
Vestibular Disease: This is caused by a congenital abnormality. It may also result from trauma inside your cat’s ear. It may be caused by cancer or certain infections. It affects the nervous system in cats, and causes a lack of coordination.
Your Burmese will scratch for numerous reasons, such as stretching and exercising their toes, shedding the dead outer layer of their claws, and to mark their territory. Free-standing scratchers are ideal for the Burmese, as well as cat condos that have designated scratching posts.
The Burmese cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people.
This cat breed is an intelligent and very affectionate cat breed that does well in most cat friendly environments. They still need to play and interact with people, and should not be left alone all day.
The Burmese needs daily grooming to remove shedding or dead hair. Because this breed has a short and fine, soft coat, grooming is easy. Stainless steel combs help to remove dead hair. Care must be taken when grooming leg hair and body hair to avoid sensitive areas. Some cats have very sensitive areas along their backs, legs, and belly area. Curry brushes help with grooming, and will remove dead hair and debris from your cat’s coat.
With their intelligence and fun personalities, this vocal cat breed has plenty of attitude.
The Holiday Season is upon us. People are busy this time of year shopping, cooking, entertaining guests, making travel plans and a myriad of other pressing activities. Many times our schedules drift to a panic state by all family members including the four-legged members of the household. There are some cautions that must be put in place to protect the family pets from illness and accidents during these hectic times.
Pets are loyal buddies. They don’t only provide companionship and friendship, they also provide security and they work as guides for the sick, elderly and the physically-challenged among others. Your pet can only remain healthy and in prime shape when they enjoy a healthy body and a stable mind.
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Lagotto Romagnolo
The Lagotto Romagnolo is a rare dog breed that originated during the Renaissance period in Italy and were bred to retrieve waterfowl. “Lago” translated, means lake in Italian. This dog breed was also used to sniff out truffles. Most water retrieving dog breeds are thought to have originated from this dog breed.
Brief History
The Lagotto dog breed goes back many centuries. The Lagotto Ramagnolo worked as waterfowl retrievers and were, for many years, used to sniff out truffles in the Italian countryside. This breed is thought to be the best in truffle sniffing. It is part of the Sporting Group, and was made part of the FSS program in 2001. This dog breed was recognized by the UKC in 2006.
Physical Features
The Lagotto Romagnolo is a small-to-medium-sized dog breed. It is powerfully built, and has a rustic, country feel. This dog breed has a distinctive, dense, curly coat with lots of woolly hair. Their eyes are large and round and can be eye hazel to dark brown. Their ears are medium-sized and triangular in shape. They are also known for having a wiry mustache. Their tails are woolly and their coats have tight, ring-shaped curls with a soft undercoat beneath. Curls are everywhere except on their heads, where they have abundant eyebrows, whiskers, and a beard. Color should be an off-white solid color, white with brown and orange patches, brown roan, different shades of brown, with or without white, orange with or without white.
Average Height:
16-19 inches
Average Weight:
24-35 pounds
Life Expectancy:
15-17 years
The Lagotto Romagnolo is an affectionate, and easy-to-train dog breed. It is undemanding, and keen, yet very attached to its dog parent. This dog breed is an excellent guard dog, but is not aggressive. They are famous for having wonderful sniffing abilities. The Lagotto are also known for their gentleness, and for being a great companion. They are good with children, and other animals. This is an indoor dog that needs companionship, and lots of TLC. It is very loyal, and energetic. This dog breed enjoys swimming.
Special Needs
The Lagotto Romagnolo needs an active family that enjoys long hikes, swimming, and plenty of outdoor fun. This dog breed is gentle, and positive dog training needs to be geared with that in mind. Socialization should begin during the first four weeks of puppyhood, and continue throughout a dog’s life. This breed needs plenty of mental stimulation, and does well with organized canine sporting activities like agility, trails, dock diving, and obedience.
These dogs do well with detection of medical conditions, and work well as therapy dogs. These are indoor dogs that benefit from lots of TLC. They need plenty of outdoor activity. That said, the Lagotto enjoys hanging out with the family on the couch at home.
Possible Health Concerns
Bloat. This breed is deep- chested, and thus more prone to bloat. Bloat is a life threatening emergency. It is caused by the twisting of the stomach, together with the accumulation of gas, with or without fluid. It is best to never elevate this dog’s water and food bowls. Stress is also a major factor in causing bloat. Never feed your dog a large meal, followed by exercise. At the first signs of dry vomiting, restlessness and discomfort, contact your emergency veterinarian.
Hip Dysplasia: This is a hereditary developmental disease. HD affects the Lagotto dog breed. HD occurs when the hip joint fails to develop properly. In the Lagotto with HD, the head of the thigh bone does not fall into the hip socket. The imperfect fit results in the joint becoming loose and unstable, and results in osteoarthritis.
Juvenile Epilepsy: This is a recessively inherited disease. In this dog breed, the symptoms occur from 5-9 weeks of age. The dog has seizures of the entire body with loss of consciousness. The seizures go away by 8-13 weeks of age.
The Lagotto Romagnolo dog breed
The Lagotto Romagnolo is an energetic dog breed that does well with plenty of regular exercise and canine sporting activities. Keep your Lagotto mentally stimulated when out exercising. Sports like obedience training, field trials, dock diving, tracking, and agility are good options for this dog breed. Swimming at the dog beach and pool at home are also fun activities for the family.
Dogs should be fed the highest-quality food that’s appropriate for their age, activity level and medical conditions. Consult with your veterinarian if you need advice about which food to feed your dog.
The Lagotto Romagnolo
The Lagotto Romagnolo has a waterproof coat that is curly. They have a double coat of hair, and shed rarely. Trimming needs to be done regularly on this dog breed. This dog breed is one of the best for allergy sufferers because they rarely shed.
Regular bathing is recommended with natural shampoos and conditioners to promote good skin and coat health. Daily tooth brushing is recommended to prevent gum disease. Twice yearly visits to the veterinarian for dental hygiene maintenance is required. Ears need to be regularly wiped out, and nails trimmed regularly to prevent pain when walking and running.
The Lagotto Romagnolo needs an active family that enjoys long hikes, swimming, and plenty of outdoor fun. This dog breed is gentle, and positive dog training needs to be geared with that in mind. This dog breed needs plenty of socialization, and positive dog training starting during puppyhood.