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Which Cats are Hypoallergenic?
Most people think their allergic reactions to cats come from the animals’ fur. In reality, the source of the allergy originates in the saliva of the cat. When cats grooms themselves, allergens are transmitted throughout their coats and shed around the house.
A Guide to Pet Wellness Programs
Whether you’re new to pet ownership, or you’ve always had a furry friend in the family, one thing’s for sure – you’re going to need good pet healthcare.
The Burmese originated from Thailand, near the Thai-Burma border. This cat breed was then developed in the U.K, and in the U.S. In 1871, Harrison Weir had a cat show at the Crystal Palace where two Siamese cats were shown. Both resembled the Burmese cat breed as it is today. It is almost similar to the Tonkinese cat breed. Dr. Cheeseman Thompson imported a cat called Wong Mau into San Francisco in 1930. This cat was a brown female cat that was different in build to the Siamese, and could be classified as a separate breed.
Brief History
The Burmese cat breed is believed to be related to a female Tonkinese cat called Wong Mau. This cat was imported in to the U.S in 1930, and in turn was bred with the American Siamese cat called Tai Mau, a sealpoint Siamese. The kittens were dark brown. U.S cat breeders then developed a breed standard that was different from the Burmese one. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) recognized this breed in 1936. The CFA then suspended breed recognition a decade later due to extensive Siamese outcrossing. By 1954, the CFA lifted the suspension, and by 1958, the United Burmese Cat Fanciers (UBCF) set forth an American judging standard which still stands today.
Today, most modern cat registries do not recognize the two cat breeds as different breeds. The British breed is known as the European Burmese. The first Burmese cats were dark brown. Today, the Burmese comes in numerous colors. The Burmese is well known for its playful and social temperament. They are also very vocal.
Physical Features
The Burmese has two breed standards in which both head and body shape differs. The British (traditional Burmese) cat breed has a body that is slender, long-bodied, with a wedge-shaped head. The ears are large and pointed. The muzzle is long and tapering. The eyes are moderately almond-shaped. The eye color is gold or yellow. The legs are long, and the paws are oval. With a tapering tail of medium length, the British Burmese cat breed is a small to medium cat breed that is muscular and heavy. They are also silky soft when touched.
The American Burmese cat breed has a stockier build, with a much larger head, round eyes, and a much shorter, and flatter muzzle. The ears are also set wider apart, with the legs and tail proportionate to the body. In both breed standards, the breed is a muscular breed that is thicker in build, and heavy when picked up. The coat is thick and shiny, and looks like satin. Blue Burmese will have a medium colored blue coat. The nose and paw pads will be slate grey. Champagne colored Burmese will yield a honey beige coat color. The nose is brown and the paw pads pinkish, brown color. Platinum Burmese will be a silvery grey color. The nose and paw pads will be pinkish, lavender in color.
Average Height:
10-12 inches
Average Weight:
6-10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
The Burmese loves to gaze and admire the outdoors. This cat breed is laid back and fun. They adore affection, plenty of interactive cat toys, and cat trees with perches. These cats are great climbers that can be leash trained easily. This is an outgoing cat breed that delights in making new friends. They get on well with people, other animals that are not aggressive, and gentle children.
The Burmese loves to play, and will follow you for attention. An assortment of interactive cat toys is recommended for this cat breed. They enjoy being around family, and do not do well being alone all day. They are a one-person cat breed that bond closely with their pet parent. The Burmese is vocal, and are known to be persistent when trying to get your attention. This very intelligent and affectionate cat breed does well with apartment and indoor living. The Burmese may be prone to feline depression and anxiety if left alone for long periods of time. This cat breed does well with plenty of TLC! They do well with active families, and other pets.
Burmese cat
Possible Health Concerns
Gingivitis: With gingivitis, the gums will become inflamed because of plaque. By daily tooth brushing, dietary changes, using a plaque prevention gel, and oral rinses, you’ll be helping your cat.
Psychogenic Alopecia: This is when there is abnormal hair loss that is caused from excessive grooming. It may result from cat’s being stressed from other cats, dogs or people.
Cherry Eye (Eyelid Protrusion): This is a disorder of the third eyelid, resulting in swollen redness of the eye. It is more common in Persian- related cat breeds.
Cleft Palate: The Burmese may be prone to this birth defect. This is due to the palate bones not diffusing. Kittens will be unable to nurse if born with this defect.
Vestibular Disease: This is caused by a congenital abnormality. It may also result from trauma inside your cat’s ear. It may be caused by cancer or certain infections. It affects the nervous system in cats, and causes a lack of coordination.
Your Burmese will scratch for numerous reasons, such as stretching and exercising their toes, shedding the dead outer layer of their claws, and to mark their territory. Free-standing scratchers are ideal for the Burmese, as well as cat condos that have designated scratching posts.
The Burmese cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people.
This cat breed is an intelligent and very affectionate cat breed that does well in most cat friendly environments. They still need to play and interact with people, and should not be left alone all day.
The Burmese needs daily grooming to remove shedding or dead hair. Because this breed has a short and fine, soft coat, grooming is easy. Stainless steel combs help to remove dead hair. Care must be taken when grooming leg hair and body hair to avoid sensitive areas. Some cats have very sensitive areas along their backs, legs, and belly area. Curry brushes help with grooming, and will remove dead hair and debris from your cat’s coat.
With their intelligence and fun personalities, this vocal cat breed has plenty of attitude.
The Beagle has enjoyed tremendous popularity for many years, and rightly so. He is the epitome of sweetness and joy. A dog of impeccable temperament and gentle nature, this breed is an excellent choice for a family with kids.
Brief History
The Beagle has a long history that hails all the way back to the fifth century. The ancient Greeks used a small hunting dog remarkably similar to today’s much-loved tricolor hound. Early Beagles, which traveled under other monikers such as St. Hubert’s Hound, Talbot’s Hound, and Southern Hound, were enjoyed by notables such as William the Conqueror. These evolved into the diminutive “Pocket Beagle”, popular with the aristocracy in medieval times, including King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth. In the 1700s, the North Country Beagle and the Southern Hound were crossed with the Foxhound, which created the version of hound that we know as the Beagle.
Around 1830 and following throughout that century, breeders devoted themselves to establishing the Beagle as a stand-alone breed. By 1884 it had been imported to America and was recognized by the AKC.
Physical Features
According to the AKC standard, the Beagle is, “A miniature Foxhound, solid and big for his inches, with the wear-and-tear look of the hound that can last in the chase and follow his quarry to the death.”
This summarizes the Beagle’s muscle and athleticism, his deep chest, and strong legs, while perhaps overlooking his adorableness. His soft, floppy ears and big brown eyes would melt butter.
The registry recognizes two sizes: Under 13 inches and from 13 to 15 inches, which is the height the dog is measured at his shoulder.
Average Height:
13-15 inches
Average Weight:
26-33 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
On their own, Beagles love to thrive in groups and families, they also blend in well with other dog breeds thanks to their calm, cohesive nature, and their need to be “groupies”. Adopting a Beagle may be your best deed ever since it will bond with you effortlessly and always be on your trail with its gentle and happy aura. Beagles are very tender to children and the love shared and shown will always manifest during playtime.
Regarded as the least hostile dog breed, you will never find a Beagle attacking or biting strangers unless it is harshly provoked. Their welcoming nature allows them to deal with strangers in an intelligent manner that gives them some freedom while being protective of their environments, families, and owners. If you are a stranger to a Beagle, it will hardly show any negative response or aggression towards you and with some strokes to its fur, this dog will bond with you immediately and share in some fun moments with you as it shows you around.
Special Needs
Being a sporting dog, a Beagle has to have vigorous exercise on a regular basis. His tendency to bay and howl can create issues for apartment living.
Possible Health Concerns
Being a sporting dog, a Beagle has to have vigorous exercise on a regular basis. His tendency to bay and howl can create issues for apartment living.
Heart disease
Back problems
Eye problems
Chondrodysplasia (abnormality in bones and cartilage)
Mast cell tumors
Apart from being gentle and friendly, a Beagle is a highly active and energetic dog. If not on a leash, he may run off and chase smaller animals such as rabbits. Allow your Beagle some space and time to play, and you should train him to adhere to a daily regular exercise routine with you such as walking or jogging.
The active lifestyle of the Beagle will call for a protein-rich diet: whole meats, fish, and poultry are an ideal choice. To maintain its coat and keep it shiny, you might have to add in some essential fatty acids found in fish oil, safflower, and sunflower. Vegetables such as pumpkin and spinach, and fruits such as apples, watermelon, and blueberries can also be included to provide your Beagle with a healthy dose of vitamins.
The Beagle has a short coat and sheds individual hairs all year long. He will benefit from an occasional brushing and nail trim.
Despite spending thousands of years on our hearth rug, cats are some of the most mysterious house pets. Cat behavior is often seemingly inexplicable, and their moods can be unpredictable. However, there are often scientific reasons for why cats do what they do. Here are a few answers to common questions:
5 Diseases You Can Get From Your Cat
With their cute furry paws and adoring faces, it’s no surprise that cats are the most popular type of pet in the country, after fish. From their subtle purrs, to the discreet face licks, cats certainly like to share their affection for their owners proudly. But there are some things that are best not shared; including certain parasites, infections and disease.
Abyssinian cats get their name from the term Abyssinia which was a former name for Ethiopia. A breed with fine bone and elaborate pose Abyssinian cats never fail to impress us. They have a tabby yet multi-colored coat that gives them an intricate look and elegant appearance.
Brief History
There are many stories that surround the Abyssinian cat’s origins however many cat fanciers believe that this breed’s first ancestors were from parts of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean coast. Traders within these regions were accredited for the cat’s migration into other continental parts such as Arabia and Africa. Some breeds said to be in the Abyss genetic background are Russian Blues, Burnese and Siamese. During the 19th century the breed became famous in Great Britain with belief that British soldiers deployed in various parts of Africa and Asia brought it back home by the end of their expeditions.
Physical Features
The Abyssinian is quite slender but with fine bone and an average body size. They have almond shaped eyes that glare with expression while their ears are large and tend to be pointed with alertness. A kitten Abyssinian is born with a dark coat that lightens with age and as they proceed into adulthood their coats become soft, silky to the touch and ideally fine but close lying and dense.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
8-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
9-15 years
Abyssinians are generally friendly in nature showing affection for kids and other pets. They are also playful, dislike being lonely or in boring environments and can make good therapy pets thanks to this appeal. As for the family an Abyssinian’s affection is averagely placed meaning that they neither love nor hate to belong to a particular grouping. Everything they do is done willingly and with enthusiasm making them one cat breed that knows how to live every second of their life to the fullest. Any activity, be it play, climbing, jumping or running is done with energy and passion.
oriental shorthair cat
Special Needs
The Oriental Shorthair does not like to be left alone. This cat also needs to be entertained regularly. This means that they need to have some form of entertainment whenever they are awake and around the house. The cat requires interaction as part of daily maintenance.
The Oriental Shorthair is an active cat, and will play fetch, learn tricks and enjoy time with kids. They will get along with other cats and dogs as well.
Possible Health Concerns
If maintained well, the Oriental Shorthair is generally a healthy cat. It is important to note that they may inherit some genetic diseases and conditions that are characteristic of their parent breeds. Conditions that affect the Siamese cat or the Abyssinian can be inherited by the Oriental Shorthair. These include Amyloidosis, crossed eyes or congenital heart defects. This cat may also develop gastrointestinal diseases, lymphoma, nystagmus or Hyperesthesia syndrome. Early diagnosis and treatment can go a long way in helping the Oriental Shorthair to recover from these conditions.
The Oriental Shorthair cat is an active pet. This means that they need regular exercise. The breed loves to jump from heights. Perches and cat trees come in handy for this type of exercise. They also appreciate toys. If successfully trained, the Oriental Shorthair can be taken for walks around the block on a leash.
The Oriental Shorthair’s fine fur coat requires combing every few weeks. This can be done using a soft bristle coat or a soft stainless steel brush that removes all dead hair. After brushing the cat’s coat, polish with a soft cloth so as to ensure that it shines. The cat’s teeth also need to be brushed once a week. This is so as to prevent periodontal disease.
Her eyes also need hygienic care. This can be facilitated with a soft, damp cloth to get rid of any discharge. The ears should also be cleaned regularly.
The Oriental Shorthair is a beautiful cat that was bred from exotic parentage. They are lively, loving and dedicated to their families. Always ready to play and provide friendship, the Oriental Shorthair is an ideal family cat.
The American Curl is a sweet cat that has an interesting appearance and jovial attitude. This cat is active and will gladly participate in collective activities. Due to their dedication to their owners, the American Curl is a great therapy cat.
Brief History
The American Curl has a colorful history. Their origin is traced back to a single stray kitten that walked into the Lakewood California home of Joe and Grace Ruga in the early 1980s. She had long black fur and little ears that curled backwards. The Rugas noticed that the cat was very calm and timid.
She delivered 4 kittens soon afterwards from an unknown father. Two of the kittens had the same curled ears. Neighbors took note and the Rugas took their cat and her kittens to cat shows in the state. This led to widespread interest in the cat and the American Curl was born. A geneticist indicated that the curled ears were caused by a dominant gene.
In 1983, cat fanciers began to selectively breed the American Curl. In 1986, the new breed was registered by the Cat Fanciers Association. The International Cat Association recognized the breed in 1987. All American Curl cats in the world are descended from the first cat.
Physical Features
The most noticeable feature of the American Curl is their curled ears. While they are born with straight ears, they curl in the first 2 to 10 days after they are born. By the time a kitten is 4 months old, the ears will have permanently curled. They maintain this shape for the rest of their lives. Interestingly, American Curls can move their ears back and forth. When they are alert, the ears face forward. At other times, they face sideways.
The American Curl has a sweet appearance and a stocky, muscular body. Their coats are silky and long. They can have a variety of colors such as brown, white, black, grey and roan. They can also have patterns. Examples of these are tortoiseshell, tiger stripes, patches and smoky patterns.
Average Height:
8 to 12 inches
Average Weight:
5 to 10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12 to 16 years
The American Curl is a sweet cat. They readily greets you with a cheek rub and also takes well to guests and will extend a welcome to them too. They enjoy the company of children and is very sweet towards them. The American Curl is amicable and can live comfortably with dogs that are friendly towards cats. This cat is curious and intelligent and will follow you around the home so as to see what you are up to. The American Curl will also help out whenever required. They are known for being able to jump extremely long distances. As such, they are sometimes described to be flying. This causes the breed to be fondly known as Peter Pan.
Seeing as she is very intelligent, the American Curl can open doorknobs and drawers. After a day of high activity, the American Curl will relax into your lap for a nap.
Special Needs
The American Curl is an active cat that requires specialized training so as to harness its energy in the right way. The American Curl can be taught how to walk on a leash. They can also be taught how to fetch or play catch. Since they like spending time outdoors climbing around, extra care should be taken to ensure they do not get injured or lose their way.
Possible Health Concerns
If maintained properly, the American Curl is a healthy cat breed. They are stronger than most other cat breeds and are not susceptible to many illness or adverse conditions. The only real problem they are prone to is wax buildup in their narrow ear canals. Consult with your vet for treatment.
The American Curls require ample exercise perhaps two sessions of exercise each lasting 30 minutes. The cat is also versatile and can handle exercise activities of various types. They enjoy playing with children and active session of exercise by play is ideal for the cat. They can also go on a jog around the block with you. You can train the American Curl to walk on a leash.
American Curls expend a lot of energy on a daily basis so their food should promote energy retention and growth. It should have equal portions of protein and carbohydrates. A bowl of cool, clean water is also an important part of their daily nutrition. American Curl cats are not fussy eaters and will consume wet or dry food with equal enthusiasm.
A notable feature of the American Curl is their beautiful, long coats which should be brushed once every week. This is so as to eliminate any dead hair and prevent matting. Their teeth and nails should also be clipped regularly.
The American Curl can fit comfortably in apartments as well as larger houses. They are a loving, affectionate breed and will gladly rub against you or your guests. They are a