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5 Reasons Your Pet Needs Insurance
You insure your home, your house, yourself and your family. But did you know that there’s another family member you need to look out for? Just like you find yourself suddenly sick and in need of a doctor, your pets will too. Don’t let the health of your furry friend to come down to what you can afford.
All About Guinea Pigs
If you like your pets warm and fluffy, cuddly and cute, tiny and tempered, then read on!
The Burmese originated from Thailand, near the Thai-Burma border. This cat breed was then developed in the U.K, and in the U.S. In 1871, Harrison Weir had a cat show at the Crystal Palace where two Siamese cats were shown. Both resembled the Burmese cat breed as it is today. It is almost similar to the Tonkinese cat breed. Dr. Cheeseman Thompson imported a cat called Wong Mau into San Francisco in 1930. This cat was a brown female cat that was different in build to the Siamese, and could be classified as a separate breed.
Brief History
The Burmese cat breed is believed to be related to a female Tonkinese cat called Wong Mau. This cat was imported in to the U.S in 1930, and in turn was bred with the American Siamese cat called Tai Mau, a sealpoint Siamese. The kittens were dark brown. U.S cat breeders then developed a breed standard that was different from the Burmese one. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) recognized this breed in 1936. The CFA then suspended breed recognition a decade later due to extensive Siamese outcrossing. By 1954, the CFA lifted the suspension, and by 1958, the United Burmese Cat Fanciers (UBCF) set forth an American judging standard which still stands today.
Today, most modern cat registries do not recognize the two cat breeds as different breeds. The British breed is known as the European Burmese. The first Burmese cats were dark brown. Today, the Burmese comes in numerous colors. The Burmese is well known for its playful and social temperament. They are also very vocal.
Physical Features
The Burmese has two breed standards in which both head and body shape differs. The British (traditional Burmese) cat breed has a body that is slender, long-bodied, with a wedge-shaped head. The ears are large and pointed. The muzzle is long and tapering. The eyes are moderately almond-shaped. The eye color is gold or yellow. The legs are long, and the paws are oval. With a tapering tail of medium length, the British Burmese cat breed is a small to medium cat breed that is muscular and heavy. They are also silky soft when touched.
The American Burmese cat breed has a stockier build, with a much larger head, round eyes, and a much shorter, and flatter muzzle. The ears are also set wider apart, with the legs and tail proportionate to the body. In both breed standards, the breed is a muscular breed that is thicker in build, and heavy when picked up. The coat is thick and shiny, and looks like satin. Blue Burmese will have a medium colored blue coat. The nose and paw pads will be slate grey. Champagne colored Burmese will yield a honey beige coat color. The nose is brown and the paw pads pinkish, brown color. Platinum Burmese will be a silvery grey color. The nose and paw pads will be pinkish, lavender in color.
Average Height:
10-12 inches
Average Weight:
6-10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
The Burmese loves to gaze and admire the outdoors. This cat breed is laid back and fun. They adore affection, plenty of interactive cat toys, and cat trees with perches. These cats are great climbers that can be leash trained easily. This is an outgoing cat breed that delights in making new friends. They get on well with people, other animals that are not aggressive, and gentle children.
The Burmese loves to play, and will follow you for attention. An assortment of interactive cat toys is recommended for this cat breed. They enjoy being around family, and do not do well being alone all day. They are a one-person cat breed that bond closely with their pet parent. The Burmese is vocal, and are known to be persistent when trying to get your attention. This very intelligent and affectionate cat breed does well with apartment and indoor living. The Burmese may be prone to feline depression and anxiety if left alone for long periods of time. This cat breed does well with plenty of TLC! They do well with active families, and other pets.
Burmese cat
Possible Health Concerns
Gingivitis: With gingivitis, the gums will become inflamed because of plaque. By daily tooth brushing, dietary changes, using a plaque prevention gel, and oral rinses, you’ll be helping your cat.
Psychogenic Alopecia: This is when there is abnormal hair loss that is caused from excessive grooming. It may result from cat’s being stressed from other cats, dogs or people.
Cherry Eye (Eyelid Protrusion): This is a disorder of the third eyelid, resulting in swollen redness of the eye. It is more common in Persian- related cat breeds.
Cleft Palate: The Burmese may be prone to this birth defect. This is due to the palate bones not diffusing. Kittens will be unable to nurse if born with this defect.
Vestibular Disease: This is caused by a congenital abnormality. It may also result from trauma inside your cat’s ear. It may be caused by cancer or certain infections. It affects the nervous system in cats, and causes a lack of coordination.
Your Burmese will scratch for numerous reasons, such as stretching and exercising their toes, shedding the dead outer layer of their claws, and to mark their territory. Free-standing scratchers are ideal for the Burmese, as well as cat condos that have designated scratching posts.
The Burmese cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people.
This cat breed is an intelligent and very affectionate cat breed that does well in most cat friendly environments. They still need to play and interact with people, and should not be left alone all day.
The Burmese needs daily grooming to remove shedding or dead hair. Because this breed has a short and fine, soft coat, grooming is easy. Stainless steel combs help to remove dead hair. Care must be taken when grooming leg hair and body hair to avoid sensitive areas. Some cats have very sensitive areas along their backs, legs, and belly area. Curry brushes help with grooming, and will remove dead hair and debris from your cat’s coat.
With their intelligence and fun personalities, this vocal cat breed has plenty of attitude.
The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds. Dogs in this breed are high-energy, intelligent, and social. This breed is a sporting dog, and originated in Newfoundland, first dubbed St. John’s Water dog.
Brief History
The first record of this breed was in Newfoundland in the 1700’s. They were brought to England in the early 1800’s. Some think they were bred from the Greater Newfoundland dog or the French St. Hubert’s dog.
This breed of dog was known for enjoying retrieving, originally with English fisherman in Newfoundland. The fisherman would use them to retrieve fish that had fallen off their hooks, or bring fishing lines in through the water. This made them good hunting dogs. The name Labrador was introduced in 1887 by the Earl of Malmesbury.
Physical Features
Labs come in three colors: black, yellow, or chocolate, with black being the most popular. They have large, stocky bodies. Their coats are dense and short, and repel water and dirt.
Average Height:
22-24 inches
Average Weight:
55-79 lbs
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
Labrador Retrievers are extremely social, and will want to play quite frequently. They’re fast learners and bond quickly when given attention. They have gentle dispositions, are easy to get along with, and are known to be loyal.
Labs are ideal family dogs, sporting dogs, and therapy dogs. They are obedient with proper training, and their favorite activities are swimming and retrieving (naturally).
Special Needs
Regular exercise is incredibly important for Labrador Retrievers in your family, not only because they are high energy dogs and love to play, but also because they are susceptible to weight gain if they’re sedentary. Labs also have a tendency to push themselves to the limit of their physical abilities, and can overheat in warm weather.
While they are good outdoor dogs, this breed prefers to live inside with their human companions.
Possible Health Concerns
A common health concern for Labrador Retrievers is obesity. Healthy dogs will have an hourglass shape. Other conditions they are susceptible to include:
Patellar Luxation. This happens when the dog’s patella is dislocated. Treatment involves surgery.
Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD). When the ball and socket of the hip joint are malformed and grind against each other instead of moving smoothly. Treatment could be outpatient but it could also involve surgery.
Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD). When cartillege in a joint is damaged. Treatment could involve surgery.
Labrador Retrievers are highly active, and you’ll need enough space in your home and yard for them to run around. They’ll go on runs or play fetch. You won’t want them to get bored, because they can become temperamental and even be destructive.
Labs need a lot of exercise, and especially love swimming, in any type of water. While young, you’ll need to watch them in the water, but over time they’ll gain confidence.
Each Labrador Retriever is different, and may need different nutritional needs. It’s best to consult with your veterinarian. Since this breed is prone to obesity, monitor their food consumption.
Due to their dense coats, Labs will need to be combed weekly if not daily. They also shed, so watch out for your carpets! Their coats are resistant to water and also dirt, so brushing is mostly for shedding maintenance and to keep them looking healthy. They’ll need regular nail trimming and ear cleaning as well.
Labrador Retrievers are high-energy, loyal, family dogs who love attention and being involved in family activities. Know that when you adopt, you’ll have to put the time in to train them, but your efforts will be rewarded!
Horse Resources
Horses are amazing animals that delight people of all ages, races, and demographics. Since the first time horses became domesticated around 3,000 BC, these animals have carried out and continue to perform a myriad of functions including serving as stable hands, racing companions as well as carriages for royalty and other dignitaries. If you want to deepen your knowledge about this magnificent species, to owning one, learning to ride and competing in horse riding competitions, do well to visit these online resources:
boston terrier dog breed
Boston Terriers are friendly and highly adaptable. Considered a charmer among dog breeds, they play well with fellow dogs, children, and also cats. This breed is enthusiastic and has a lively attitude. Here’s a look at the history of Boston Terriers and everything you need to know to take care of one.
Brief History
Some call the Boston Terrier the first true purebred dog in the U.S. They’re widely known as the “American Gentleman” thanks to a somber and good-natured style and their coloring that looks like a tuxedo.
Initially bred as fighting dogs, today they are more lovers than fighters.
There are different accounts of the Boston Terrier’s history but what’s most agreed-on is that breed originated from a dog named Judge, a Bulldog/English Terrier mix. He was only bred once. Offspring that originated from Judge came to be known as Boston Terriers.
Physical Features
Boston Terriers stand at about 12 to 17 inches from the shoulders, and their weight is anywhere between 10 to 25 pounds. The current generation of Terriers has a face much similar to its ancestral generations with a wrinkle less, broad and flat nosed face. Their neckline is slightly arched with a broad chest, but their overall body appearance is sturdy and boxy.
Average Height:
15-17 inches
Average Weight:
10-25 pounds
Life Expectancy:
11-13 years
Boston Terriers are lovable dogs. Fun to be around because they love company, especially children, and play is never a matter to fuss over. They are apartment-friendly with low barking tendencies.
Special Needs
They are lovable creatures, require attention and company for them to belong. They connect easily with human emotions and if their owner is hurting, they sense it immediately and try in whatever way to lighten the mood. They have some habits that are more pronounced than other breeds, such as snorting, drooling, slobbering, wheezing, snoring and snuffing.
Possible Health Concerns
Flat faces: Boston Terriers are a brachycephalic dog breed, meaning they have flat faces. Minor health problems include snoring, but these dogs could have breathing problems that necessitate surgery.
Hemivertebrae: Their corkscrew tails indicate this condition, which has to do with lack of development in their spine bones. This doesn’t impact all dogs, but signals that there’s a problem include difficulty walking.
Eye problems: Due to their flat faces, this breed is prone to eye problems like cataracts, corneal ulcers and glaucoma.
Deafness: Some Boston Terriers are deaf in one ear, others totally deaf.
Luxating patellas: This refers to a condition where the dog’s kneecaps can slip out of place. Small dogs are prone to this issue, and it’s possible that it can require surgery to correct.
boston terrier dog
This breed loves to play but doesn’t have many exercise needs. A couple of morning or evening walks and play in between is enough to keep your Boston Terrier alive and heart healthy.
boston terrier
Feeding your Boston Terrier should be a cautious activity. Despite their small size, they love to eat and can be gluttonous in nature. It’s up to you as its owner to control what they eat and what they shouldn’t. Give your Terrier high quality dry food preferably 0.5 to 1.5 cups which should be divided into 2 meals a day. This is but an average amount, the much your dog will eat depends on its age, activity level, metabolism, size and build.
Boston Terriers have a fine and smooth coat which tends to lie flat against their bodies. There are 3 common coat colors: black, brindle/red and seal which tends to look a lot like black. They often look like they’re wearing a tuxedo thanks to their chests, faces and white muzzles. Grooming this dog isn’t much of a task and weekly coat brushing is enough to keep all dry and dead hair in check. While bathing them, shampoo their coats to keep them clean and healthy. Clean their faces and eyes daily to prevent them from contracting any eye disease.
If you want a small lovable dog to have around your home, a Boston Terrier is a good option.
cornish rex cat
The Cornish Rex is a slim, svelte and elegant cat. They are always ready to play and will actively seek you out with meows of anticipation. The Cornish Rex is great with kids and good company for other pets. Here is more about this unique and coveted breed.
Brief History
The Cornish Rex originates from England, UK. There is historical evidence to show that this breed existed long before the Devon Rex’s appearance in Devonshire. Both the Cornish Rex and the Devon Rex share a number of similarities in their history and general appearance.
The Cornish Rex first appeared in Bodmin Moor, a region within the northeast parts of Cornwall. A cat named Serena gave birth to 5 kittens, but one was unique with a curly coat that was cream and black. Serena’s owner consulted some cat experts who identified the unique kitten as one with a genetic trait passed down by its mother.
Physical Features
The Cornish Rex has a soft, wavy coat. They have long bodies and stand fairly tall. Their ears stand upright on a slim, egg-shaped head. Their famous eyes are often golden, but can be blue or grey. Possible coat colors include black, white, grey, brown, silver and roan.
Average Height:
11 to 15 inches
Average Weight:
6 to 10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
11 to 15 years
The Cornish Rex has an interesting sense of humor. They love attention and will readily seek it at every chance they get. They’re extremely intelligent and love social situations. The Cornish Rex will quickly greet you and, if possible, your guests. After that, the’ll quickly pick their favorite person and begin to follow them around. Cornish Rexes are curious and desire to help out in whichever activities that you’re up to. They’re always looking for something interesting to interact with or, even better, show you. This cat is very expressive. Cornish Rexes will use their gestures, meowing or snarling to get their point across. Their playful and outgoing nature makes the Cornish Rex a favorite with children. They can also be very affectionate and concerned — an excellent therapy cat.
cornish rex cat
Special Needs
The Cornish Rex is an active cat with quite a lot of energy. This often leads to energetic activity and leaping all over the house. To help with energy management, the Cornish Rex requires some training. You can teach the Cornish Rex how to sit, roll over, fetch and jump. Positive reinforcement throughout the training session helps the cat understand quicker. The Cornish Rex will get along well with other cats and dogs. However, they should be introduced to them slowly and under supervised conditions to avoid conflict.
Possible Health Concerns
The Cornish Rex is generally a healthy cat if they are cared for well.
Unfortunately, they may be prone to developing adverse health conditions due to their genetic parentage. Their famous wavy coats do not offer much protection from the sun rays. As such, they are prone to sunburn or lesions. They can also suffer from patellar luxation or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).
The Cornish Rex is always upbeat and ready to play. They love playing with toy games and will even interact with puzzle toys. These are great for stimulating their physical and mental health. A cat pole is a good addition to the Cornish Rex’s toys as they love to climb up and over thing. This cat also relishes running. A jog in the yard or around the block with a cat harness and leash is a good idea.
Being quite an active cat, the Cornish Rex requires ample, balanced diet on a daily basis with substantial carbohydrates and protein. This is to provide them with the energy resources required for their active lifestyle. Cool, clean water is also necessary.
cornish rex cat
The Cornish Rex has a short coat of delicate, wavy hairs. It is soft and silky in nature. Since they have no guard hairs, their undercoats are exposed. Thanks to this, grooming regimens should be mild — keep brushing to once a week!
Cornish Rex’s ears and paws can get greasy over time. This is due to sweat deposition. They should be cleaned up to 2 times a week. A mix of 50% cider vinegar and 50% water is ideal for this with a clean, soft cloth. Their nails should be trimmed every week and their teeth need to be brushed with a vet-approved toothpaste at least every 3 days. This prevents the development of gum disease.
The Cornish Rex is an active cat that loves family and social groups, and will also often make friends with other pets. They enjoy leaping and performing tricks. Ideal for families, couples or senior citizens, the Cornish Rex will be a loving and entertaining addition to any home.
The Hazards of Halloween & How to Protect Your Pet
Most pets tolerate the costumes of Halloween very well. In fact, a survey by the American Pet Products Association found that 17% of pet owners dress their pets in Halloween costumes each year. Likewise, the intrusion into the homes of most pets by costumed revelers, who are ‘trick or treating’, does not bring with it cause for alarm. However, some pets become anxious or nervous during this time when strangers in scary costumes appear at the front door. If your pet shows this anxiety, place them in a quiet room as far away from the commotion as possible. Turn up the volume on a television or stereo player and try to drown out the noise from the activities created by the costumed visitors. If isolation fails, you can contact your veterinarian for a prescription to place your pet on pheromones or tranquillizers to help fend off this stress.