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Poisonous Plants to Cats and Other Animals
Plants certainly make one of the prettiest home decorations. But did you know not all of them are safe for your pets? That’s true! The plants and flowers that you are using in your patios or to decorate our home interiors might actually be harmful to your little furry friends. If ingested, they may cause a lot of adverse reactions such as stomach upset, respiratory disorders or even death. As a caring pet owner, therefore, it’s your responsibility to know what plants are safe for your pets and what not, so you can protect them from any toxicity or mishap.
Cocker Spaniel
Happy is one word to describe a cocker spaniel. This dog is active and will happily escort you to the park, play around in the yard, fetch a lost item or even go fishing. These dogs are trainable with a gentle charm that’s inviting to play. Their love for water is equal to wagging their tails which are their signature. The world loves this dog for its big ears, dreamy eyes and intriguing personality.
Brief History
There are two types of Cocker Spaniels: the English bred Cocker Spaniel and the American one but both descended from Europe, specifically England and Spain. The name Spaniel refers to a large Spaniel family dating back to antiquity. Spaniel itself means Spanish dog. In Spain, this dog was divided into two categories, toys and large hunting dogs. Hunting Spaniels were further divided into two categories, water and land Spaniels. The term Cocker refers to this dog’s excellence in hunting field woodcock.
American Spaniel fanciers began importing this breed in the late 1870s. In 1881, the American Spaniel club, the oldest breed club in America, was formed by James Watson and Clinton Wilmerding. This breed club comprised of many different types of Spaniel breeders. Later on, as the differences in the spaniel breed became refined, breeders split off into separate organizations. With time, Cocker Spaniels grew popular both with the public and with breeders. With this popularity came a much favored smaller type of this breed, which had a different conformation to the English Cocker.
In 1936 a specialty club known as English Cocker Spaniel Club of America was formed by English breeders. This club gained recognition at the American Kennel Club for their special type of English Cocker.
Physical Features
Cocker Spaniels belong to the sporting group and are perhaps the smallest members. They have a refined head, compact and sturdy body. They stand up well at the shoulder with muscular quarters that are moderately bent yet strong.
Average Height:
13.5-15.5 inches
Average Weight:
20-30 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-14 years
If a Cocker Spaniel is well bred, it will exhibit a sweet endearing temperament. Its cuddly and affectionate nature makes it fun to be with and it will always participate in family activities willingly without a fuss. Spaniels are sensitive dogs both physically and mentally, they don’t respond well to harsh treatment because of their soft personality and if in pain they often resort to snapping or growling.
Special Needs
Cocker Spaniels don’t respond well to instructive commands, rather if you are training them, do it sensitively and with reassurance. They need to be socialized and trained at an early age to learn proper canine manners.
Possible Health Concerns
These are healthy dogs but like all other dog breeds, they remain susceptible to some diseases and conditions. These conditions and diseases are: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Hypothyroidism, allergies, Primary seborrhea, eye problems, ear infections, epilepsy, Patellar luxation and canine hip dysplasia.
Cocker Spaniel dog
Due to their high energy levels, Cocker Spaniels need a daily exercise routine preferably 1- 2 hours every day. They are not picky and any fun exercise is ideal for them.
Spaniels have big appetites and are also protective of their food. The best food to feed them is dry food, 1.5 to 2.5 cups every day, though this amount will vary with the dog’s age, build, size, metabolism and activity level. Best to consult with your veterinarian.
Cocker Spaniel dog breed
The Cocker Spaniel’s coat varies in length being short at the head and back. It grows longer on the ears, belly, chest and legs. The coat may be a solid color: light cream, white, black, red and brown, or parti-color which is two or more of these colors. Due to its varied length, it’s advisable to wash the coat using shampoo at least twice a week. Comb the coat daily and trim if necessary to maintain a certain desired length. Clean their ears and eyes daily and also brush their teeth twice or thrice a week.
Having both a dog and a cat at home isn’t unusual. They are two creatures that can live in harmony together. Pet owners do the same for both as far as caring for them goes. They provide them with food, shelter, and water. Cats and dogs still share a few obvious differences… and not just their size. Here are five ways having dogs is different from having cats.
miniature schnauzer dog
The miniature schnauzer is a true terrier in every sense of the word: Plucky, big-hearted, and active. Woe to the person who appears to pose a threat to this pup’s loved ones: This courageous, bright-eyed little dog is loyal to the end.
Brief History
The Schnauzer is a very old German breed, having been depicted in paintings as far back as 1492. The German word for muzzle is, “schnauzer,” with all schnauzer varieties being bred to have bristly hair on the nose and mouth. The standard version of the breed originated in Germany, pulling vegetable carts from the farmers’ fields to markets in town. The dog was also put on guard duty.
The brilliance of the schnauzer lies in its versatility. They were used as an all-around stock dog — herding sheep, cattle, and pigs. They kept vermin at bay and were the quintessential farmer’s best friend. Even today, German Schnauzer Clubs will promote “ratting” trials, keeping the schnauzer as a pragmatic working breed. In America, schnauzers are a common choice for barn hunt and earthdog trials.
The miniature schnauzer descended from a cross between its standard-sized relative and an Affenpinscher. While even breed fanciers are not sure whether the cross was intentional, they treasure the results. The mini has enjoyed breed recognition since first being entered in shows around 1899. The first miniatures were bred in the United States in 1925 and officially gained AKC breed recognition the following year.
Physical Features
According to the AKC breed standard, the miniature schnauzer is “a robust, active dog of terrier type, resembling its larger cousin, the standard schnauzer, in general appearance, and of an alert, active disposition.”
The AKC allows only three coat colors: Salt and pepper, solid black, or black and silver.
Average Height:
12-14 inches
Average Weight:
11-20 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The miniature schnauzer is high-spirited, friendly, and eager to please. They are courageous like most terriers, but generally obedient.
Special Needs
Although they thrive apartment-sized environments, miniature schnauzers require a regular exercise schedule. Their genetics as a hunter make them want to dig holes and bark.
Possible Health Concerns
If adopting a miniature schnauzer from a breeder, look for a background with clearances from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism, and von Willebrand’s disease. Breeding schnauzers should also be tested for thrombopathia and have an eye certification.
Schnauzers are active, athletic dogs. They can excel at dog sports such as agility and obedience. They tend to love activities like rally and barn hunt. If you are considering life with a schnauzer, prepare to keep moving!
Like many other small dogs, overfeeding can be a problem. A schnauzer’s diet should be monitored closely, including quality kibble, meat, and blanched vegetables. Monitor their weights to make sure they are maintaining the correct numbers for their size, and be sure they gets plenty of exercise.
If you are considering adding a miniature schnauzer to the family, be ready for new adventures. These playful, happy dogs are game for just about anything you want to do. They are not couch potatoes by any means! Be prepared for a good, long lifetime filled with fun.
Signs of Ticks on Your Dog or Cat
Ticks can become a real nuisance in the summer and your furry pet may be susceptible to becoming a host for one and being infected with tick-borne diseases or even get a secondary infection from the bite site.
A Guide to Pet Wellness Programs
Whether you’re new to pet ownership, or you’ve always had a furry friend in the family, one thing’s for sure – you’re going to need good pet healthcare.
One of the most distinctive breeds of parrot is the African Grey. This gallant bird is known for its stand-out smoky grey tinted feathers that give it such an unusual appearance, and of course, it’s chatty persona.
For our canine friends, paw licking can be a grooming habit. This is often seen when dogs have been out for a long walk in rugged conditions, or it might be part of their daily groom.