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Bugs As Pets
For some, a bug in your house is no bad thing! In fact, in parts of the world like Japan, it’s just as common to keep an insect as a pet, as it is a cat or dog. What’s more, many in fact make great pets, that are educating for children, easy-to-keep and rewarding in many ways.
What are Savannah Cats?
There’s something unmistakably striking about the Savannah cat. Descended from African wild cats and crossed with domestic cats, these exotic hybrids are graceful, captivating and leave you wanting to know more.
siamese cat
The Siamese is one of the oldest and most famous cat breeds, with ancestral roots in Siam, known today as Thailand. In Victorian England it gained the nickname “Royal cat of Siam” and was highly favored for its striking looks and an elegant coat color. These cats are beloved for their intelligent and curious natures.
Brief History
For many centuries, travelers to ancient Thailand brought home art and manuscripts that depicted the Siamese in full stature. Their migration to the western lands began during the late 19th century when they were used as show cats, most notably at the London Crystal Palace cat show. From here, they were introduced to the states when a US diplomat stationed in Thailand gave President Rutherford B Hayes a Siamese cat as a gift.
Physical Features
The Siamese coat is perhaps one of its most unique physical features for its color and glossy appearance. There are two types of Siamese cats: traditional and show. Traditional Siamese cats have apple shaped heads while show Siamese cats have wedge-shaped heads with ears that are large and triangular in shape. The show Siamese has a tubular body with long legs and flat paws. Both have striking almond-shaped blue eyes that sparkle with adoration and curiosity.
Average Height:
12-15 inches
Average Weight:
6-14 pounds
Life Expectancy:
11-15 years
Siamese cats are known to bond deeply with their owners and always want to be a part of any activity you do. Whether it be following you around the house, climbing into your lap or sharing your bed, this breed loves to be involved. Siamese cats are also known for being extremely vocal — they have opinions and love chirping back to their humans.
siamese cat breed
Special Needs
Siamese tend to exhibit lots of beauty both inwards and outwards. Because of this, they are one of the most commonly-stolen cat breeds. Make sure to maintain close supervision when letting your Siamese cat outdoors.
Possible Health Concerns
Amyloidosis — when the amyloid protein is deposited in body’s organs, primarily the liver in Siamese cats.
Asthma/bronchial disease.
Congenital heart defects.
Siamese cats are generally very active. When left with other cats and animals, Siamese will join whatever activity the rest of the pets are involved in. They love to play.
Any cat-friendly diet, both home-prepared or commercially manufactured, should grow with the Siamese at all its ages. Siamese owners are also advised to check their diets when they get to adulthood. Fresh, clean water should also be available for them to drink.
The short Siamese coat is easy to groom and maintain. While they do shed, if you adhere to a strict grooming routine, it shouldn’t be too cumbersome. Comb the coat on a weekly basis using a stainless steel comb to remove any dead hair.
Siamese cats are ideal for owners who crave companionship and affection. They are highly intelligent, hyper-vocal, and love staying active.
the siamese cat
The Japanese Chin dog breed
The Japanese Chin, also known as the Japanese Spaniel, is aptly named after its country of possible origin. It is part of the UKC, companion Group, and the AKC, Toy Group. Despite its name, some believe the Japanese Chin actually came from China as a gift from a Chinese emperor. Historically, the breed was very popular with the Japanese nobility.
Brief History
The Japanese Chin’s origin is of question. Some believe this breed came from Korea, while others say that it originated from China. There were Buddhist monks, Chinese emperors, as well as European merchants that were credited for bringing the Japanese Chin to Japan, approximately 500 to 1000 years ago. The Japanese nobles then improved on this small breed. In 1854 the Chin was introduced to the west when Japan opened for trade after 200 years of isolation.
Physical Features
The Japanese Chin is a small, square-shaped and well-balanced dog breed with a large, round head. Japanese Chins have large, warm brown eyes that are often emotive. It has a short, broad, muzzle with a black nose, open nostrils and small v-shaped drop ears. This breed looks aristocratic and has a very unique expression. Its famous tail is plumed and carried over the back. They tend to have very curious and alert facial expressions. Their coats are thick, single, and silky with a heavily coated rump area. The coat color typically ranges from black and white, to black and white with tan characteristics, or red and white. Occasionally they can have tan or red spots over the eye area, inside ears, and on their cheeks.
Average Height:
8-11 inches
Average Weight:
4-11 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-12 years
The Japanese Chin has a good memory. This very intelligent dog breed is sensitive and mild-mannered. They typically get along with everyone — dogs, animals and children. They can be initially shy with strangers, but affectionate with immediate family and once they get to know a new person. Above all, the Japanese Chin enjoys being pampered. This breed does not do well if isolated from family during the holidays. The Chin is easy to train, though has bursts of stubbornness at times. The Chin needs to start socialization during the first four weeks of life and positive dog training early on to overcome stubborn habits. Male Chins may have some housebreaking issues, but these are resolved easily with consistency and regular positive training.
Special Needs
The Japanese Chin is a low maintenance dog. That said, the long silky coat needs plenty of care. The Chin does well with all dogs, children, and people. This breed can only benefit from positive dog training classes to help prevent stubbornness. They’re usually independent, loyal and devoted to family. The Chin has some cat-like qualities and may be shy and reserved. This is a sensitive dog breed.
Positive training for the Chin needs to be consistent, yet one needs to take into consideration the sensitivity and intelligence of this breed and not break their spirit with unnecessary harsh reprimands. Dog training needs to mold the needs of this dog breed in a positive way so as not to break his quirkiness. Attentive pet parents are usually recommended. Socialization, as with all dog breeds should start during the first four weeks.
One quirk: Japanese Chins tend to be afraid of thunderstorms. Vets usually recommend “relax and recover shirts” to provide therapeutic pressure to help dogs feel secure and calm during thunderstorms or times of stress. Use of calming essential oils with the use of Calm Paws Calming Disks work well. Thundershirts, another anxiety wrap, also provides gentle, constant pressure to help dogs deal with stress during travel, separation anxiety, storm phobia and other every day stresses that your Chin may have to deal with.
Possible Health Concerns
Luxating Patella: The Japanese Chin may be predisposed to this condition. This occurs when the patella slips out of the trochlear groove and causes lameness. The kneecap ends up being displaced towards the midline of the dog’s body.
GM2 Gangliosidosis: This is a recessive hereditary diseae. This disease was also called Tay Sachs disease or Sandhoff’s disease. It involves lysosomal storage, and is fatal. Symptoms include loss of coordination, head shaking, mental dullness and weakness.
Cardiac Diseases. Inherited cardiac diseases in the Chins like subaortic stenosis and cardiomyopathies are congenital (present at birth). Some symptoms may include heart murmurs resulting in exercise intolerance, and possible congestive heart failure. Consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Epilepsy results in seizures that can be caused by numerous conditions. Some of these include low blood sugar, brain tumor, heat stroke, nutritional deficiencies, poisons or toxins, and distemper. Inherited epilepsy in the Chin has been showing up a lot in this gene pool. Environmental hazards are also to blame.
Cataracts: This is a condition where the lens of the eye progressively loses transparency. This often results in blindness.
The Japanese Chin dog
The Japanese Chin needs regular exercise and lots of fun play time. This dog breed has bursts of energy and does well with frequent short walks, trips to the dog park and playing ball. The more regular the exercise, the better their overall disposition will be. This is not a dog to leave alone all day. The Chin will get agitated and lonely. Plenty of socialization is needed during puppyhood so that this dog breed has no problems with other dogs later on.
A high-quality dog food for the appropriate life stage is recommended for the Chin. Pet parents should never underestimate the importance of a well-balanced diet for this small and spirited breed. Assess your dog’s activity level, age, breed, and any medical conditions that they may be prone to. Ask your veterinarian to help you.
The Japanese Chin
The Japanese Chin has a very long and silky coat. This breed needs to be brushed every day to remove loose hair and dirt. This also helps to prevent matts and tangles which can be worked through with a slicker brush or metal comb. Using natural spritzes and conditioners will make grooming easier.
Teeth need to be brushed daily with a canine toothbrush and toothpaste. Ears need to be cleaned regularly and checked for sensitivity. Trim nails as needed. Your Japanese Chin will need to have a professional dental cleaning twice a year. Consult with your veterinarian for advice. If you’re using a professional groomer, be sure to check references. Chins are a small dog breed that need to be treated gently and enjoy lots of positive reinforcements like healthy dog treats. These can be used to reward your Chin when he behaves during a nail trim.
This dog breed enjoys the comforting scent of people, most especially family, including children. This mild-mannered and sensitive dog breed needs time to adjust to new surroundings.
Pets are loyal buddies. They don’t only provide companionship and friendship, they also provide security and they work as guides for the sick, elderly and the physically-challenged among others. Your pet can only remain healthy and in prime shape when they enjoy a healthy body and a stable mind.
The Fourth of July Fireworks and Your Pet
Each year at this time many pet owners are faced with the Fourth of July fireworks and their pets. Although many dogs don’t seem to be bothered by the sounds and sights of fireworks, others become totally terrified during this annual celebration. These frightened dogs will show signs of apprehension and anxiety at the first sound of the explosions of fireworks as well as the flash that is associated with them. For those dogs that express mild distress during the traditional fireworks on this holiday, you may be able to control their fear satisfactorily by closing them in a basement or otherwise dark room. Close the blinds and play music on the radio or stereo and this might be enough to cover the noise and flash that makes them exhibit this distress. If you live close to the annual fireworks display in your town, this method might not be enough to cover the sounds and sights of this event and you may have to resort to stronger methods to relieve them of their fear.
The Weimaraner originated in Germany during the early 1800s. They were bred by German aristocrats, and used for hunting large game.
Brief History
It is believed that the Bloodhound was bred with several German and French hunting dogs resulting in the Weimar Pointer or Weimaraner. By the 1950s, the Weimaraner was extremely popular as a companion and hunting dog. The Weimaraner was first used to hunt bears, wolves and mountain lions. As the wildlife population decreased, this breed then was used as an all-purpose-hunter.
Physical Features
The Weimaraner is a medium-sized dog with a large, lean and muscular body. They have long, broad heads, light-amber; gray, or blue-gray eyes and high-set drop ears with a slight fold. This breed also has a grey nose. Their tails are docked, and the Weimaraner’s plush coat is short and sleek. This breed is elegant, athletically built, and has aristocratic features. The Weimaraner is intelligent and kind.
Average Height:
23-27 inches
Average Weight:
55-85 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The Weimaraner is intelligent, friendly and athletic. This fun-loving dog breed needs a job, and plenty of regular exercise. The Weimaraner is sensitive and enjoys being around people, family, other dogs and animals. Because this breed is so active, they are prone to scrapes and accidents. The Weimaraner does well with positive puppy training classes, and plenty of socialization. This breed also gets on well with children, and enjoys family outings, trips to the beach and playing Frisbee. The Weimaraner always wants to be with its pet parent, and will be your shadow.
Special Needs
This breed needs socialization, and plenty of exercise. This is a high-maintenance dog breed that has to have consistent runs, walks and benefits from partaking in a few canine sport activities. The elegant and sporty Weimaraner does well with plenty of off-leash exercise. This breed loves to chew things, and pet parents need to watch out for gastric torsion.
Possible Health Concerns
The Weimaraner is an active dog breed that may be susceptible to the following:
Gastric Torsion: Also known as bloat, gastric torsion is a life- threatening emergency. The stomach distended with gas and fluid, and then twists, trapping the gas and fluid in the dog’s stomach. Early symptoms are pacing, gagging, excess saliva, and attempts at vomiting. The stomach will appear distended, and the dog will not be able to vomit. You will need to take the dog immediately to the emergency veterinarian. This cannot wait for a few hours since your dog may not survive.
Hip Dysplasia: This is an abnormal development of the hip joint in large dog breeds like the Weimaraner. It is generally characterized by a loose joint, and then degenerative joint disease. Dogs should be fed a high-quality diet that is geared towards their life stage. Puppies should only be fed high-quality puppy dog food. Excessive growth, types of exercise, nutritional factors, and hereditary factors all come in to play with hip dysplasia. Consult with your veterinarian for expert advice.
Cataracts occurs when the lens becomes cloudy, then blocks the light from reaching the retina. This causes mild or partial blindness. These are often inherited in certain dog breeds like the Weimaraner. Dogs with vision loss appear to use more caution when moving, and also tend to stay closer to their pet parents.
Dermoid Cysts are birth defects that may occur in certain dog breeds like the Weimaraner. These are skin pockets into which pollen, dander, oil, hair, and other bits of debris accumulate. These are found on a dog’s backbone. They can be surgically removed.
The Weimaraner is an active breed that benefits from regular exercise and long runs. This is a working dog that needs to have a job. Active pet parents are a must for this wonderfully athletic dog breed.
Good high-quality nutrition is key to a healthy Weimaraner. Always opt for the very best high-quality dog food that you can afford, and add in supplements, steamed veggies and safe fruits. Ask your veterinarian about the veggies and fruits that are safe to feed.
The Weimaraner almost self-cleans, and looks immaculate most of the time. Although this breed has a short coat, daily grooming is always recommended along with regular bathing, brushing teeth, ear cleaning, and nail trimming. Visits to the veterinarian are recommended for teeth cleaning twice yearly. Because this breed has drop ears, it’s very important to keep themclean to prevent ear infections caused from trapped moisture.
If you’re active, and have lots of time to spend with this sensitive and intelligent dog breed, the Weimaraner is a good dog to adopt. This breed is easy to groom, keeps clean, and is friendly with everyone — children included. Because the Weimaraner is fun-loving and energetic, prospective pet parents need to understand that this breed does best with plenty of outdoor activities.
The Savannah cat is an exotic cat. They are covered in spots and enjoy socializing with people as well as pets. They are also extremely curious and will want to follow you from room to room. Quite supportive in nature, the Savannah cat loves to provide companionship, which makes them ideal for therapy cats. Not only do Savannahs play well with children, they are always happy to make new friends.
Brief History
The first Savannah cat was born in the 1980s as the result of crossbreeding between an African Serval and a domestic cat. The successful crossbreed was performed by Patrick Kelly and Joyce Sroufe. The African Serval was further outcrossed with cat breeds such as Bengals, Oriental Shorthairs and Egyptian Maus. This led to a widespread establishment and acceptance of the breed. Savannah cats began getting registered by the International Cat Association (ICA) in 2001. The breed attained Championship status or full recognition in 2012.
Physical Features
The most noticeable characteristic of the Savannah cat is their beautiful, spotted coat. Their fur has a light brown shade and is covered in black spots. As a result, they have a distinctive cheetah-like appearance. Their ears are deep, large and face forward in a sonar-like way. Their eyes are big and golden. The Savannah cat has a pink nose and long white whiskers. An outstanding feature of the Savannah cat is their long legs. Thanks to this characteristic, this breed has held the Guinness Book of World Record for tallest domestic cat since 2006. They have long tails and an intelligent expression.
Average Height:
8-15 inches
Average Weight:
12-25 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-20 years
The Savannah is devoted to their owner or family. As a result, many people regard the Savannah cat as being a feline version of a dog. They enjoys social interaction. If left alone for long periods of time, Savannahs will pout and begin to experience separation anxiety. Their attitude is kitten-like throughout their lives. Savannahs also enjoys being involved in family or group activities. This makes the Savannah an ideal family cat.
savannah cat
Special Needs
The Savannah has quite a lot of energy and needs a structured way of exercising. The Savannah is also an intelligent breed that can understand and obey simple commands. Also, they can learn how to use a scratching pole and which sections of the house to avoid. Housetraining the Savannah can be performed in a short period of time. This is possible as long as you use positive reinforcement throughout the process.
The Savannah still has hunting and territorial instincts. So they will be protective or even aggressive around other pets. This means that they should be introduced to other animals gradually until they can be friends.
Possible Health Concerns
The Savannah is a healthy and strong cat that can suffer from some genetic diseases and adverse conditions. The Savannah can be infertile due to genetic predisposition. They may also have low levels of fertility resulting in 1 to 3 kittens per litter. The Savannah may also be very selective in picking out mates. This is because they prefer to procreate with cats that they’ve grown up with from kittenhood.
The Savannah cat has a high level of energy. They will prance around your house and enjoys chasing birds for leisure. To control these energy levels, some exercise is required. This can be achieved by engaging the cat in sessions that involve walks, jogs or brisk runs. This can be done 2 times a day for 30 minutes each. Intense play sessions can also be great exercise for this cat. They require both physical and mental stimulation. This is because the Savannah is an intelligent cat. Puzzle games and toys are most welcome for this cat.
The Savannah cat requires a balanced diet. Their large size prompts generous portions per serving, but they are not picky eaters. The Savannah will gladly chow down on wet food or dry kibble. Their nutritional needs require that they consume more carbohydrates than any other food group. This is so that they can sustain their high energy levels. Savannah cats grow quickly. This warrants ample protein as well. They can be fed twice a day in the morning and the evening. Cool, clean water needs to be provided throughout the day.
Savannah cats’ fur is short and thick. To keep it healthy and smooth, they need regular brushing at least once a day.
Their teeth and ears also need cleaning three times every week. They may produce some discharge on the inner tips of their eyes which needs to be cleaned off as soon as it emerges. Their ears are large and open which makes them collect dirt and debris quite easily. They can be cleaned at least two times every week using a special solution made of 50% cider vinegar and 50% water.
The Savannah is an interesting, beautiful cat. They are dedicated and their loyalty makes them an excellent therapy cat.
savannah cat breed